some sayings from! :-)

Teacher ask one student:
Teacher: 'What is your name?'
Student: 'Mera naam Suraj Prakash hai.'
Teacher: 'When I ask a question in English, answer it in English.'
Student: 'My name is Sunlight.
Teacher nods and ask the next student:
Teacher: 'What is your name?'.
Student: 'My name is Beautiful Red Underwear'
Teacher: 'What kind of a name is this? Don't joke tell me the right name'
Student: 'My name is Sunderlal Chadda."
Teacher: What is the full form of maths?
Student: Mentally affected teachers harassing students
Teacher: Now children, if I saw a man beating a donkey and stopped him then what virtue would I be showing?
Teacher: 'Can anyone give me an example of Coincidence? '
Johnny: 'Sir, my mother and father got married on the same day same time.'
Teacher: How old is ur father.
Sunny: As old as I am.
Teacher: How is it possible?
Sunny: He became father only after I was born. (1st Rank)
Teacher: There is a frog, Ship is sinking, potatoes cost Rs3/kg...Then, what is my age?
Student: 32 yrs.
Teacher: How do you know?
Student: Well, my sister is 16 yrs old and she is half mad.
Suraj Prakash and Sunderlal Chadda are real names in India.
But if you break them up the meanings are:
Suraj= Sun
Lal= Red
Chadda= Underwear
as much as I know arabic which is close to
"Hindi" in Tagalog means "NO" (the simplest translation, that is):-)
But Azi, you wouldn't find this one funny if you dont understand the meaning of the hindi names!
And BTW what does the word "hindi" mean in tagalog?
but i got an Indian friend who sends me jokes and stuff so if it's good, I'll share them ;-P
LOL,Azi, How do you know so much Hindi?
Surya Prakash Magar,Putalibazar-2.......In Nepali
Sun Light I Do, Butterfly Market-2...Nepali
"Drink Beer Save Water"
Sometimes from the harshness of tongues of other Qlers.
nice one.
"simple yet complicated"
"makamal a anak"
LOL. Red Undies, who would have thought.
funny,,, esp 'Beautiful Red Underwear'
thx for the post
dts cool