Rizks Karak Emporium...The Review

In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment.
We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so.
But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the *new*. The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations. The new needs friends.
Last night, I experienced something new: an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source: Rizks Karak Emporium.
To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions about fine cooking is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core. In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Rizks’ famous motto, "Popodums and chai."
But I realize, only now do I truly understand what he meant.
Not everyone can become a great artist; but a great artist *can* come from *anywhere*. .. anywhere meaning Wakrah…
It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Rizks Karak Emporium who is, in this critic's opinion, nothing less than the fiiinnnnnnest chef in Qatar.
Needless to say… I will be returning to Rizks Karak Emporium, hungry for more.
to be the special guest in Doha Jadeed branch!
Lolz Khanan and Sulieman - you guyz are makin a bad impression of my emporium - i will make sure when you guyz visit my emporium will throw karak on ur face and slap you with the poppadums....:)
Soniya ,, it is NOT a danger zone for women,,, just don't bring your husband with you and u will be both safe :O)
you can come along with Rizks tonight to Doha Jadee :)
Rizks : not all Bachelors will be allowed. Only the 'chikna' ones :):)
I know Soniya, but i wont recommed ladies to visit my emporium especially in tat danger zone....:)
iam new here at doha , what can i do here to enjoy it
please help !!!!!
Rizk, but the families too stay in DOHA JADEED...:))
Soniya, IF i managed to get the permission to open the branch at Doha Jadeed area i will make sure its only for bachelors and not 'Families'....:)
Lols Khanan...i will bring all the necessary PPE for the meeting which is scheduled in the evening...:(
God!! DOHA JADEED?? Aaarrggghhhh!!
we have a meeting tonight in Doha Jadeed.
All the important issues pending to the RKE-Doha Jadeed Branch will be finalised , hopefully in the 1st session ;)
soniya, Don't listen to brit, he must be the serial killer in the picture above, if you went there ,, you will never come back :/
Please ignore the jealous comments. Rizks is well known in the Doha culinary circles. He is indeed the poud owner and operator / waiter / dishwasher of Rizks' papadom and Paani poori Emporium based in Wakrah. He is currently in negotiations with Khanan to open a a branch near Doha jadeed.
ROFL blister and sulie...
Really? And i thought rizk really owns something like this..:))
Soniya... its in Never land... at Wakrah near Shell Roundabout... lol
soniya ,, You lil innocent angel
Rizks has no emporium
It is all lies :O(
Hey risk, do you really own an emporium??? :))
Where is that in doha??
zafirah... no reservation... first come first serve...lol
KR... people quote from my works... I have no qualms about it... Lol
The lines looked familier and was wondering where did I read this earlier..till I found it :)
Does a reservation needed? *wink wink*
lol Marco... thats his farm... he breeds his own crawlies...
He fries them according to customer's requests...
Prices?... He didnt have any menu :(
Khanan sorry.. no grabs were offered there ;-)
Brit... lol... you dont want to know how he paid the dues for the guy who sold him BBQ coals...
jon_ma This is in Wakrah... after the shell roundabout stop at the very first restaurant and ask for Rizks Karak Chai Emporium... its almost like Neverland...lol
He bought you off to write about his (All kinda crawlies infested Emporium)
Shame! shame!
Where exactly is this?
LMAO blisterinbra and britey ! :)
Had done overtime (day and night) at my emporium by serving the customers with karak, poppadums and biscuits and paid all the electricity dues ! Pheww....was a hectic day ! :)
TFS.. You did not say whether the Palate Pleasing papadoms were plentiful..
Good news though.. Since Baladiya switched off the electricity for non payment, Rizks is having Solar Energy Cells installed - So Drink Karak and Go Green :O)
Do we have Q-Grabs offers on RKE :)
Nice review bb
The words were touching, but why didn't you talk about the prices
P.S No one will care how funny he is after tasting his horrible karak chai ,,, :O)