Real Picture - Fake Story :)

A fire on the 3rd floor of the George II hotel forced the evacuation of 81 guests plus all employees, but no injuries were reported, hotel and fire officials said early today.
About 1:30 a.m., the chief of fireman squad said it was not clear when firefighters would be able to release the building back to hotel management.
Hotel managers informed their guests that they could wait for the all-clear from the fire department or be shuttled to the another Hotel. The George II minibus made at least three trips carrying guests to their new hotel for the night.
They were not allowed into the George II to retrieve any belongings, however, and that prompted at least one guest to stick it out on the sidewalk across from the hotel.
"I can't function without my stuff," one tourist said of his computer, business papers and medicine.
"There's not much we can do under the circumstances," said a business man.
But by 2:45 a.m., only hotel employees and emergency workers remained outside the hotel.
"All our guests are resting comfortably at various locations," hotel manager said.
Do not believe it! :)
fine story Drac.
At least no animals were hurt, during the taking of the pic!
Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe and Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass.
thanks for clearing that Duke...
mai lain pa!
hmmmm....real story with fake pictures
.here you go:
That's cool!! nothing to be confuse about chichi, there's no story at all! just an edited picture! lol! ^_^
..people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care..
Now what about a real story with fake pictures?
3..2..1..GO: Muwahahahahahaha!
Dracula ha ha still the topic is going on ha ha .
Like giving Dracula a camera to confuse the living hell out of the QL community.
Come Drac, laugh with me, Muwahahahahahaha! >:D
i just did not get it... sorry =(
mai lain pa!
hot one :)
chichi, the fire!!! aaarghhh!
so what is the REAL STORY then?
mai lain pa!
merci,storm! :)
The George Hotel looks like a real haunted hotel. Now when i saw this pic the very first moment, i was sure that those were the lights that are being flashed on the building. The flood lights of our very own George Hotel. I guess the pic has been slightly high of contrast for which it looks like fire. Although its not fire for real. Good One Drac !!
Fire along the shoulder of the road...
Drac, this is another real pic, no editing done..... Take a look at this. I think I can't do that again!
It wasn't a cemra trick.. It was Jinns who had inhabited the hotel..
The Dark Lord went in and got rid of them..
cool dracula.......i really thought it was burning!!!
Bbbbuuuttt...where's the fire? :P
i loved the way u made the story if u made..gud1...
no injuries were reported...:)
I mean, not a nice joke but a good photo!
Insallah Drac ;)
Do not believe it! :)
सोनम दि नेपाली बाबु
ha ha Star faith25 says dont belive eyes , So she closed her eyes in her ID to dont see this,Is it not Dracula? Ha ha.
it is not a photoshop trick!
it's a real photo!
go there and check any time!
just keep the angle..:)
Where is six fingers hand? What you did with Dracula?
I dont believe coz Drac said do not believe. May be photoshop trick ;)
सोनम दि नेपाली बाबु
Like Ripley's... but drac's line is:
"Do not believe it"
thanks kumaran..:)
Ha ha ha a nice camera trick.
just some lights and my camera! :)
so what really happened?
in a labours camp in Industrial Area! :P
where did all the guests stayed?