A Real Brain Teaser for the Day..

There are total 5 hats. 3 black and 2 red.
3 men standing in a line such like last man can see both men and middle man can only see the man on his front. And the first one can’t see anyone.
One person standing outside the line shuffles the hat and put one by one to these men's head and throw the extra 2 hats.
He asked the last man who can see both the people’s hat “Can you tell which color hat you have in your head?” He answered “No”
He asked the same question to the middle man who can see only the front guy’s hat and the answer also was “No”
Then he asked the question to the first man. He says “YES I CAN”
His answer was correct.
The Question: Which color hat he has on his head and how he got the color?
Please do not hijack or fight on this thread.. Those who have the tendency to fight, plz stay away from comments..
Good Morning to you all & have a nice day ...
Blue rose... i have already told that the problem is solved... Checkout for WK's answer... The answer is Black..
i was wrong..then what is the right answer ?
Ok sebi, now the balance hats (2) were red which he could see in front of him which others could not. It was obvious for him that the three black hats were on their head.
May be the last man was the person standing out as he was shuffling he knows which color hats he is wearing right.........
Where's my brain? :-/
Cherukkan... hahaha... raavile chirippikkalle... plzz
The first man was able to see their reflection on a mirror.
Blue Rose.. u r wrong... remember... the person standing outside the line shuffles the hats b4 putting it on each ones head.. and throws the remaining two...
Some guys are here with the correct answer... so its solved..
Good thing dies... hahaha.. lol..
It is simple...There is no hat on the first man's head...B'coz he is bald (Rizks :)) and the hat was not sitting on his head. So, no hat, no color. Is my answer correct?
there is 2 black and 3 red hats.
hmm i think the answer is red hat
coz the two hats which he throws is black ....so he can see the both black hats and assumes that 3 red hats must be on that 3 people.
The first one is wearing a black cap
lol rms .
dont make me another Herbie Uncle ?
text to admin that rizks hijackin ur thread :P
English plz in the main forums.....:)
Ichengayi.. raavila thanne thodanguallo.. (Friend.. morning.. start...) ;)
ok sebijoke !
i shall be polite mere mallu dost ! :)
Rizks.... I have already mentioned that, please do not hijack or fight on this thread... Jut be polite to all..
Black hat.
If the front two had red hats, the last guy would have said he has black hat on so the front two had one black and one red hat or both had black hats on, the second guy would have known this so if he had seen red hat in front of him, he would have answered that he has black hat but he didn't so the front most guy didn't have red hat on. Hence he had black hat on his head.
Since the 2nd and 3rd guys are wearing red hats.
lol ArieL...
aagaya another supporter of Mallu Group of Organization and Company....:)
arey Daal Colt , stop calling mallu ,kullu,sallu Grrrrrrrrr
abe malabari this is not ur Taxi hotel bloody fool.....just answer the simple brainless puzzle and Get Lost ! :)
How u doing Mone ?
i love kappa and chaala curry :P
no no, i dont share anything !!
not even my Toilet !:(
Go Go
I love bheja fry, can we share? :-P
abey oye chappal face vale.....lol
wats this brain teasers early in the mornings ?:(
Now get a plate of Brain Fry with Chappati plz ? :)
you have no other work than to chew our mofo brains early in the morning? :-P
I'm brain dead this early, now go get my coffee and then I will read that! ;-))