QLing is Bliss...:)

One of my good friends, DK and his wife, used to be a happily married couple as they usually felt the need to start a quarrel at the same time. They would never go to bed mad…stay up and fight till all the thirteen years’ allegations and wrong doings against each other had been recalled to decide who would say ‘sorry’ first. Overall it was a pretty successful marriage till DK landed a job in Qatar and got hooked to a social web portal called Qatar Living in the evenings. His wife described his new found passion as a habitual repetition of a compulsive and obsessive behavior, unable or unwilling to stop, despite its harmful effects. But DK maintained QL was a stimulant to his central nervous system, which increased alertness and alleviated his fatigue caused by his work, though admitted, at times, he suffered from mild headaches and increased heart-rates as to what thread he was posting on. His wife would often notice in him withdrawal symptoms during weekly grocery purchases and the times when deprived of the pleasures of posting.
Things got serious when she started noticing an alarming change in DK…that he no more had the urge to start up quarrels in the evenings. On the other hand, like earlier times, his wife often felt bored watching Indian soaps and looked forward talking on current controversial issues. Earlier, the chat would often turn personal and eventually they could only satiate themselves arguing on who was right and who wasn’t. But now, things got pretty upsetting for her as any provocation was being responded to with a smile or ‘Yes Hun!’, ‘Will do Hun!’, ‘You are right Hun!’, ‘Not a problem Hun!’… and the conversation would be nipped before a meaningful fight could begin. It was then she felt ignored and decided to fight for her fighting rights. QL was thought of as another lady in DK’s life who was to be done away with.
Such a serious allegation was more than DK could bear so stopped logging in at QL while she was happy she finally got back her man to quarrel with.
What good are tact and versatility to a man when they only unsettle his marital bliss?
doesn't look like that. edit it and clarify it.
QLers Anonymous anyone?
Join our " Pray Ql AWAY!" Spritual Rehab centre.
What I said was promoting ' use of QL on duty ' not your profession or work .
I never said anything regarding your job or business.
triple post :(
dble post
molten metal
answer my question if u dare
-where did i promote my business on QL?
as of your concern about QLing when at work, it's none of ur business.
damselindistress said could be the same argument ...
could be the same argument with my boss......, if he finds out!(and I am sure I am not alone with this one ;) lol, am just kidding.
Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can have. It’s much sexier than any body part.
Sat, 26/05/2012 - 10:53pm
Read more: http://www.qatarliving.com/node/3004460#comment-2121271#ixzz1w6OcwmtE
denzilwashing said Im so sorry , my eyes were ...
Im so sorry , my eyes were closing here at work , and i was really sleepy , so i thought writing something would make me wake up , appologize.
Sun, 27/05/2012 - 2:26pm
Read more: http://www.qatarliving.com/node/3008736#ixzz1w6NSeeq2
I am afraid tomorrow people who work at the control towers of the air ports may try to emulate you & you understand the consequences of that.
My request to all ... if you do any thing which is not ideal just do not high light at any common place & keep it to your self.
Please forgive me if I was a bit hard with my words.
what makes u think my sponsor doesn't know or doesn't agree?
when and where did i promote it carelessly on a public forum?
he who knows where i work, or my phone number, or my clinic prices/services please step forward.
i never answered any question/answer looking for a dentist. only gave general guidelines to help, never promoting.
ur injust Molten Metal
Molten Metal said Report ...
About colleagues who use QL site in duty hours on company's work stations and misuse time / equipment
Read more: http://www.qatarliving.com/node/3001808#ixzz1w5WBa1DR
drsam said beat his expectations and ...
beat his expectations and market/coworkers' average. as simple as that.
Read more: http://www.qatarliving.com/node/3001808#ixzz1w5VXQm63
That is much bigger problem, you will be getting paid for the time you secretly did not work ? What that amounts to be ???
Not to mention the company equipment & utilities misuse ?
And carelessly promoting it on a public forum ?
Where is the trust your sponser has put into you ?
seems problematic to log in to QL when at home? easy: do like i do: just open QL when ur at work :)
now this is very gay my friend !
my secret, i dont do QL at home, i just peak on weekends, and i just comment on those threads worth commenting.. most of the time i am on reading mode.
Nice read.:) QL is for working hours only :)
could be the same argument with my boss......, if he finds out!(and I am sure I am not alone with this one ;) lol, am just kidding.
Thank God! I am Single, other wise My Wife would have either Thrown my Tablet away or Kick my Arse..... ;)
Believe it or not, my hubby and I had a similar tiff just awhile back, but I was able to calm it down by showing him this post..at least now he knows I'm not the only one!
Fathima, Its because of some good evening qlers like you, that I like posting here and look forward to comments..
Whenever she becomes too suspicious and wants to see what exactly I do here, I show her some of my OPs in the funnies to let her know she's always on my mind..:)
seems to have a lot in common with Fathima's husband. Not to mention her daughter,mother, sister etc.
No one can accept that when it comes to QL, I can multi task.They think I spend way too much time here, and neglecting them,though I am even able to repeat exactly what they said to prove to them I really was listening!
My sister many times threatens that she'll never come over to my place if I continue QLing when she's around.
And my lil brat is the worst. The other day she was slyly suggesting to her dad that he ought to ground me from using QL! And mind you she is quite familiar with all our regular QLers usernames and often speaks about you all like as though you are family, but she just detests the time I spend online!
What is it about QL that causes so much marital family discord,eh?
A woman marries a man thinking he would change but they - women - are mistaken !
Welcome back , KR !!