16 Weeks and 4 days of QL war!
I stumbled to the ground with a dry sob, tears running down my bloody fur.
It was hopeless.
I looked at the sky and whispered, "Why? Why could I not have died as well?
Why did you do this to me?"
It had been 16 weeks & 4 days since the QL’s.
16 weeks & 4 days since QL’s had been reduced to charred ruins,16 weeks & 4 days since my bats , the faithful friends of Dracula, was murdered,16 weeks & 4 days since my whole cave was destroyed.
And now I, the last Count of QL, was alone.
But my lovely Goatty could not have died... we had been so close to the Al Dakhira beach when the group of mad QL’s attacked me.
I had told her to run with all four legs, but then I had been blindfolded before escaping moments later.
Did she leave me and run?
I never saw her again...
If she was gone, I would be truly forsaken, crushed with the burden of my misery.
But then an idea dawned on me...
If I was to find my lovely Goatty, it would take years, years beyond any life span of mine.
Cyan eyes bright with a hope that could never come true, I did the most foolish thing I had ever done, although then I could not have known the extent of what I had done, what despair I had resigned myself to.
My palms glowed with violet magic as I whispered, "Draculaaaa!".
Stop fate's passage!
A jolt of evil-electricity flowed through my body as the sands of time stopped for me, and I was forever trapped in time as a desperate 400-year old vampire.
The End, QL!
ok,then take me as a cute pet bat!
forget about guano ! :P
I like bats... and noooo Drac.. I am not Brutus.. I am actually very faithful...because.. you know...you are responsible for those who you have tamed
You're setting a bad example to all those poor bats around the world.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
do they have in qatar alcoholics anonymous clinic??
nooo way..
only Skin Intensive Terapy section :p
Of a valiant Garlic
A tale I now recite
Of bravery and sacrifice
Of knowing wrong from right
The roses stood alone
Unprotected from the bugs
Who came and munched and gnawed on them
The creepy little thugs
They cried "Oh please protect us"
But their anguish was for naught
For the flowers and the shrubs nearby
Were more concerned with rot
Then came the valiant Garlic bulb
The stinker and the rose
That grew around the roses
And the pests, in terror, froze
"You stay away", the Garlic said
"The rose she is my friend
I'll nourish and protect her
Until the bitter end"
They have a saying, in garden speak
That everybody knows
"Roses love the garlic,
And the Garlic loves the Rose"
have you checked out from hamad yet??
"Dracula? Never again, never again."
damn, no more free food(recte: blood bank attack) and accomodation to Hamad Hospital!!!
Dar, man toy have an obsession with ...pfuiiii: "Garlic" :P
his everything is getting looooose need some garlic to service him.
lol..someone's screws are getting loooooose...*wrench please!* need to tighten them before anything else happen.. :D
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Drac, I pleaded with Hamad. For the love of Goattye I said...All I heard was a screech "Dracula? Never again, never again."
Im going to check myself in if I dont get off this thread.
She is alive!!!
Why do I cry from happiness?
And how can u cure this?
I am terribly emotional, if things go well, if my Goattye is alive, i feel that i must cry.
But i try not to, cause it scares people, it would scare you too, i feel like crying if u give me a simple compliment.
Not crying is difficult, i get convultions, cause i keep it all inside and it is a strong emotion.
So then i grow cold with all the QL's people who make me happy, cause its taking all my energy not to cry from happiness...
Thanks britex for the great news!!!!
Say the Grave number in last so every one goes there and throw some flowers on your bride grave.
So who you going to marry next Sheep??
sure my pals got plenty of garlic for you they will serve you with it nicely.
I cant bite you?
Yeahh...hairy thing!
Your Goatee is safe..
You were atually attacked by a radical wing of the "Anti Hoof" brigade of Al-Cowda. (Not to be confused with Al-Qada).
Al-Cowda has vowed to rid this region of hoofed animal without udders and all those who associate with them.
The suicide squad of Al-Cowda attcked you, whilst QL was destroyed by a suicide fresian who was a ecent convert..
Sattelite imagery passed to an AWAC flying overhead at the time, showed that Goatee managed to commandeer a jetski and was last seen heaing toward Dubai..
Fare ye well oh furry creature. Your love may yet be found !
Hamad General Hospital
Operator of H.G.H.
Administration of H.G.H.
Patients Relations
Public Relations Section
4392049 - 4392441
Intensive Care Unit
Hamad International Medical Training Center
E.M.S. Department
You cant bite me but i can :D
by QLers jeeeeeeez thats nasty.
who has the number for hamad, mental unit?