Pinoys, would you agree?

The NBI (National Bureau of Investigation), the AFP
(Armed Forces of the Philippines), and the PNP (Philippine
National Police) get into an argument over who is the best
at apprehending criminals.
The President decides to test them. She releases a
rabbit into a forest and each of them has to catch it.
The NBI goes first. They place animal informants
throughout the forest.They question all plant and mineral
witnesses. After three months of extensive
investigation, they conclude that rabbits do not
The AFP goes in. After two weeks with no leads, they
burn the forest, killing everything in it. They make no apologies:
"The rabbit deserved it."
The PNP goes in. They came out two hours later with
a badly beaten bear. The bear is yelling,
"Okay, okay, I'm a rabbit, I'm a rabbit."
For NBI...
Ask for clearance while you're outside the country, surely they will tell you that there is someone with the same name as yours have a criminal record so to get the clearance you must pay 8t... poor ofw...
"clarifications can go a long way"
learn to take life with a pinch of salt
LOL at doham1121's comment...
"bear??? in the Philippines...stupid bear"
good one!!
Life goes on
bear??? in the Philippines...stupid bear
poor bear... another victim of police brutality! lol!
lol read it with a different country. Funny how the same joke goes around and the country changes