People in Airports!

They essentially belong to the following ten classes….
- The Veteran- The seasoned traveller who has seen it all. Airports are no longer exciting and waiting in one is a chore. They are immune to the surroundings and will use all and any distraction/ gadget/ technology to while away the waiting period.
- The Newbie- The nervous but excited first-timer. He/she has entered the airport for the first- time and has stars in his/her eyes. Everything appears glossy and bewitching. He/she either wanders around with a glazed look or sits restlessly and drinks it all in.
- The Harried- Irrespective of the number of times one has been to the airport and no matter what their usual category is- one must be in possession of an infant/ toddler/ young child to fit into this group. The child is either crying, running up and down escalators, or using the chairs has an obstacle course, or the waiting halls as a one man race track….. This group spends their entire time chasing the aforementioned child with a gargantuan soft-toy in hand and a sheepish smile plastered on face. Is extremely tired and wants nothing more than the experience to be over with.////
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