Pajju giving an Extinct Pose !

Neanderthal Males Had Popeye-Like Arms
Arm bone remains show that Neanderthals were unusually pumped up on male hormones, possibly due to an all-meat diet.
Remains of an early Neanderthal with a super strong arm suggest that Neanderthal fellows were heavily pumped up on male hormones, possessing a hormonal status unlike anything that exists in humans today, according to a recent paper.
Neanderthal males probably evolved their ultra macho ways due to lifestyle, genes, climate and diet factors, suggests the study, published in the journal Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia.
"The common method for killing animals was direct contact with the victim," said Mednikova, a professor in the Institute of Archaeology at the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Instead of shooting prey, such as mammoths, with a bow and arrow from a distance, Neanderthal males would engage in face-to-face contact, jabbing long, thick spears directly into the animal's flesh.
Neanderthal females weren't delicate creatures either.
now go and see lonely rizks, that is next.
hmmp.. NEXT!!!
heeeeeeeeeeeeee..........Waiting for Pajju's post on Rizks. hahahahahah............
Hey Pajjus pose is excellent.... He shud b Mr.World...
pajju u bloody look like old monkey.
mandi u bloody oldie .. kooduthal kalikkenda :P
does it mean that indians have bloody hairy body?
oh far from it Rizks... :P
lol Jalebi...
if i can edit tat pic and make the hairs long it would look like jamille.....:)
I am still primitive I guess with all my muscles(fat as bonus).....or is it the meat diet?!!
Pajju, forgive Rizks for posting your photo without your permission,.. He's just jealous of all your hair... :P
that can't be Rizks, that guy's got hair...
brit u need to do some editing in the photoshop and remove the hairs from the
It's not real. He's using that spray again :O)
brit can't be rizks, the dude's got hair on his head.
brit bro cant see the pic :P anyway subah l khair :)
i wish those hairs were not back - but on TOP.....:(
From Mr. Pajju ..
Rizks's back ......
Just post the same photo without hair and call it rizks.
give my back ? :(
u mean give u a Bag full of stones ? :)
its ok np .. ur ma buddy .. tommorow give ur back :P
Pajju, sorry i posted ur pic without informing you...:(
Plz forgive me ?:( orelse.....Get Lost ! :)
pajju, rizk is at fault..
bloody Qlers :P
is this pajju? i'm speechless...
Pajju thinkum - "notum mammoth burger againum".
Ofcourse this is when the Long Lungi served its primary purpose of hiding the spear, prior to an attack :O)
hhahahahha....OMG..i just logged in and saw ur post...OMG..i can't stop laughing now..