My Kaamvaali.....

A 5-year old girl went to visit her grandmother in the village one day. While playing with her toys in her bedroom and while grandma was dusting furniture, she looked up and said, "Grandma, how come you don't have a Kaamvaali?"
Grandma replied, "Honey, my TV is my Kaamvaali. I can set in my bedroom and watch it all day long. The TV programs keep me company and make me feel so good."
"The comedies make me laugh. I'm so happy with my TV as my Kaamvaali." Grandma turned on the TV and the picture was horrible. She started adjusting the knobs trying to get the picture in focus.
Frustrated, she started hitting on the backside of the TV hoping to fix the problem. The little girl heard the doorbell ring so she hurried to open the door. When she opened the door, there stood her mother. The mother said, "Hello dear, is your grandma home?"
The little girl replied, "Yeah, she's in the bedroom banging her Kaamvaali."
hey roy, come on; she is letting us know her preferences and orientations.
LOL !!!!!!!!!!
The little girl replied, "Yeah, she's in the bedroom banging her Kaamvaali."
Hey Kaamvaali, nice to see that Grandma was BANGING you :P
I suggest you that its time to move on and look for some kaamvaala instead of Grandma ;)
how about "kaamwala" jokes... ;)
Guys, it looks like that this "kaamvaali" craves attention and that's exactly she (or he) is getting from you people.
I think the best punishment for her bad joke is to ignore her or her jokes.
oh wat a joke... common yaar bring som change.. now i hate the word "KAAMVAALI"
saeedkan said "the climax looks odd...could have been more good..:-)" Yeah. That's what SHE said!
Sorry. Couldn't resist.
oops...I couldn't understand these Kaamvaali jokes. Need a translator please :)
looks like grandma, had to finish her frustration.....
Its been "Nonsense posts" day in QL....nothing interesting.
Kaamvaali pl. aik kaam kijiye, rewrite some lines to make it funny ;)
drmana, the OP has lost her mind...we can't help her anymore..
You are replacing the actual words with "kaamvali" to suit yourself and killing the joke.
This is just nonsense.
Ah! another PJ...
lool i m ur fan frm nw on :D
someone created this account 4 days ago to spook all of us, by making sick jokes.
i check details before propositioning :-P
Crikey, I assumed Kaamvali was a man, I thought Colt had started batting for the other team...
send me a pic of yourself, will decide accordingly :-P
Colt are you volunteering :P
you needa get laid :-P
how stuppid
No disrespect, but your jokes are sh*te :-(
Someone give some kaam to this kaamvaali :(
Something is wrong with this "kaamvaali"
you got that twisted... "grandmother" banging the kaamvaali?