Labour Law Re Indemnity and Resignation
I want to know details regarding Indemnity and Resignation as per Qatari Labour Law. If some one could direct me to websites in this regard, I would be grateful.
My question precisely is- What is the law regarding Indemnity and how is the calculation based on.
What if a person resigns, then what are the options available with him.
Is there any recourse for expatriates in case of dispute.
Any assistance in this regards will be appreciated.
You can go thru the QLL which is available with peninsula website.
w.e.f January 2005
1. All workers those who have completed One year of continuous service are elegible for ESB. It should be minimum 21 days per year.
No matter resignation or termination.
If the termination is based on Article 61 of QLL, NO ESB will be provided to the employee.
here is the link for downloading qatar labour law.
check article 54 for your question (indemnity)