The Key to Every Woman's Heart

A group of girlfriends go on vacation and see a five-story hotel with a sign that reads "for women only." Since they are without their boyfriends, they decide to go in.
The doorman, a very attractive guy, explains to them how it works. "We have 5 floors. Go up floor by floor, and once you find what you're looking for, you can stay there. It's easy to decide, since each floor has signs telling you what's on that floor. The only rule is, once you leave a floor, you can't return to it."
The women talk it over and decide to go for it.
They start going up, and on the first floor the sign reads, "All the men here are horrible lovers, but they are kind and sensitive."
The friends laugh and without hesitation move on to the next floor.
The sign on the second floor reads "All the men here are wonderful lovers, but they generally treat women badly."
This wasn't going to do, so again they head for the stairs.
The friends move up to the third floor where the sign reads "All the men here are great lovers and sensitive to the needs of women."
This was good but there are still two more floors so.........
So on to the fourth floor, and this sign seems perfect. "All the men here have perfect builds; are sensitive and attentive to women; are perfect lovers; they are also single, rich and straight."
The women are really pleased, but they decide that they would rather see what the FIFTH floor has to offer before they settle.
When they reach the fifth floor, there is only a sign that reads: "There are no men here. This floor was built only to prove that there is simply no way to please a woman."
ah Owen,
I have a special mix just for Da, and the animal will rejoice around the world when he has it...finally they will all be free! :D
tra la la
jassky our dear scientist of QL....seriously next time make one grave potion for darude, his donkeys and camels...for the poor animals, a potion that would detect and transform them into something different (animals) so that wolf here would not recognize them....
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
dont forget to bring ur ambulance with you
Da for you, there is no way out of Pope's booth for all the evil that you have done :/
Poor soul...
tra la la
make sure there is no way out ok :/
dont wana get blamed later.
Right now I am on my way to rescue more from Da's farm, wish me luck :/
tra la la
next time i will give you 100000kw shock to explode you :?
again??? Darude, what kind of human are you? you are much worse than i know...maybe that's why you are keeping lots of camels in your farm (and i assume donkeys)...bad...really bad... :(
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
well Da, I had to patch up all those wounds :/
Next time lay off the whip a little...
tra la la
saw all the scars on donkey skin. in and out and she cured them.
hey you Nasty cat i didnt even touch that donkey :/ but you sure did touch it all
I felt pity for that poor donkey, and rescued it from Darude's torture basement :/
tra la la
sorry didn't bother to read all here...what is the association of donkey to darude and red pope and errrr to you jasskat? ...
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
what did the donkey tell you about Red Pope
did he show you how red pope did him :D
Da, that donkey told me the truth, I know what really happened :/
tra la la
The Bio of the Donkey goes back along time ago, when I was pretty much new in QL. Some QL member actually wrote a thread about a Donkey. The problem was that myself and the wolf took off and completely Hijack that thread with the donkey story since then. If you read the thread you will understand the origins of it.Those are the days when people were not so thin skin and sensitive to smart comments. Everything was said with a placebo formula of fun. The Red Pope of Qatar Living
Nooooot meeeeee. he tortured the donkey so badly that he wanted to leave him at any cost no love for him at all.
oh can please us, there's a way if a man is truly decisive on pursuing so...and when you do, for sure they will be truly loyal and forever be yours....(sounds like a punishment rather than a motivation ha?
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Da, I rescued that poor donkey from your evil paws and we all know that :D
tra la la
its you who damned the poor soul and Jass nasty drity filthy cat came to his rescue :D
The answer to the riddle is: The Pope lease the Donkey to the Wolf, The wolf in return exploited the poor Donkeys novelty and name in behalf of The Pope in Qatar Living. In reality everyone took a turn in riding the Donkey, one way or another for free of charge, except the Pope still waiting for many of their personal donkey confessions in my booth. In this case the Donkey stables..... The Red Pope of Qatar Living
In this case everyone has a Donkey story to tell everyone, but not my confession Booth. The Red Pope of Qatar Living
i tell you what we have in common
i know i knowwwwww!! Donkey, Wolf and Pope have the letter 'O' in common...what do i win?
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
is the answer your booth of sins???
tra la la
I see my sacred name being spoken in this thread.Here is the riddle for all: What a donkey, a wolf and A Pope have in common? The Red Pope of Qatar Living
D a, you leave that poor donkey alone, you have tortured him enough!
tra la la
he is scared by the time he opens his mouth for that my wolves will attack him and tear him apart
and has the donkey told what I am planning for you???
tra la la
life time stories. he tell me what red pope did to me
and he tells me what i did to jass kat :D
and what kind of interesting stories are you getting MR. WOLF??
tra la la
thats the donkey you are having right now
pope donkey is still in icu at HMC LOL
would that be Pope's donkey?? :P
tra la la
but the donkey is telling me some very interesting stories NOW :D
Ha, thats what I heard from the poor donkey :P
tra la la
weird and nasty too :D
so you are kind and sensitive but a horrible lover ??? :D
tra la la
am on the ground floor every one passes through me :D
Wait so Da, you like all those 5 floors?
Which one is your favorite guy?
tra la la
all the keys and some extraordinary one's too :D
Haha i've read this before lol.
It's always the small things that make big differences.