Just Bring IT......OLD MAN

Oright lets settle this once and for all the CAT (smokeys cat) VS Mr. Paul (OLD MAN)
so where were we?
PS: for all those who wish to carry on posting here, please note that smokey boy has no internet connection at home due to my house shifting so all my come back to paul will be on sunday! :) have a nice weekend people...you too old man ;)
How did I get mixed up into this?
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!- UNKNOWN
oright old man you may leave for your medication and afternoon walk but i'll see u later ;)
"Make a difference or make way"
oh oweny Mr. Paul just having some of that mid life crisis thingy what they call it now men-o-paul?
of course i will go with the winner...but errrr, i just left and what just happen between the two of you?.. before it was the cat that you were figthing about...now what age????.. :P
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
I have to go now...But the contest will continue !
And you forgot to mention that a 5 yr old would kick yer Ass good and proper !!
OH sorry smokey doest whoop little kids...they turn out to be grumpy old men later on...Look at how your turned out :)
You are so out of touch with reality...
And i wouldnt let Azzy hear you say that, or you will be physically nuetured !!!
Pro MR PAUL Ass whooper...You couldnt whoop a 5 yr old boy
When i next come to Q, we will go to Rydges for a night, and i dont want any pathetic excuses if ya cant make it.....If ya are a pro drinker, you can always find time for beer...
Oh man if your gonna believe everything u read on people's profile then i might as well put down " Professional Mr. paul Arse whooper" in my Job title and end this thread here and now ;)
First off i agree with paul on one thing..a LOT of men are after my cats arse...that includes you mr. paul (arnt u satisfied with azzy?) I've already popped out of the computer screen and met folks at the QL gatherings havent been on the drinking one yet but u better get ur adult diapers when i do come coz there not gonna be any pissing breaks :)
you will come out from behind yer computer screen, and join us for a night out...Then we will see how good a drinker you are ??
And as ya claim you are from Qatar, that makes you Muslim, and not allowed (?) to drink, so now what do ya say ???
Can ya feel that huh, huh , can ya .....(to quote a film)
orighty then who's the freaking ref?
Alright...hold on for a sec...The official QL Ref is here...so I decide on what to give to whommm.....
MR. PAUL is right, i should not be the ref as am Married. how about lovinni? she can be the ref. wha you say gal???
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
Coz married women wont fall in love with smoke..hence a fair ref ;)
Ok, I can be the ref with help from spicemom, what you say spicy??? shall we make this bad boys fight for their life. hehehehe
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
You think you have a chance ???
Cos if ya do....I have news for ya
I vote mila as my ref
Paul have u watched Rocky Balboa...its when the old Rocky comes outta retirement and no matter whats loses in the end ahh well :)
aww spicymommy u want to take smokey's cat home and lick his wounds? that 1 more point for smokey's cat :) muahahaha
Ladies and Gentleman...Out of retirement for one last bout....
[img_assist|nid=17018|title=PUSH THE TEMPO !!|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Careful there, Smoke!!
*** Light travels faster than sound. That's why most people appear bright until they open their mouths.
Ok, Ok... I promise I stop dreamings Ksarat, just for you. But I will work to get what I want. huaaahaaahaaa...
yes, spicy.. who you bet on??
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
yeah yeah smokey and dont forget the the cat catcher is here too for when the fight is done...........heheheheheh
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
well first of all paul has is his one single lady to dream about him...where as smokey's cat has the whole of QL ladies..err and i think some gents too lol
1 point for the cat :)
alright alright BOYS errr sorry i mean MEN show us wat ya made of.....ok bets on in abt 2 mins..........get yr money ready and lets see who DA MAN is today.........
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
ohhh....the fight thread! MAY THE BEST MAN WINS!
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
Mila, here you go again...just cant get off dreaming can ya girl...now be a quiet spectator...
These gents are having a beer fight...so no stripping allowed, so quiet Mila, stop getting excited...about boyr ripping their clothes apart...
I vote for the winner doesn't matter who. hehehehe
come on boys.. fight.. give us good show for the ladies... make us dreams about you. hahahahahaha
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.