Joke...Buldeep Singh...

Buldeep Singh went to Colombo for official matter and called to his house over phone. Servant had taken the receiver.
Buldeep Singh : Who is speaking?
Servant : Servant Sir.
Buldeep Singh : Where is the Madam?
Servant: She is sleeping with her husband in bedroom.
Buldeep Singh : What? I am her husband came to Colombo today.
Servant: What can I do now sir?
Buldeep Singh : Open the cupboard, pick the Gun, shoot both of them, come back and tell me, till then I am waiting in the line. After some time ... there come 2 shooting sounds ... after that ...
Servant: Yes, I did Sir. But what can I do next Sir?
Buldeep Singh : Open the back door, throw both of them into the swimming pool
Servant: There is no swimming pool in our house Sir
Buldeep Singh : What...? No swimming pool?
Servant: Yes Sir
Buldeep Singh : Sorry, wrong number!!!!!! !!
Beauty & the Beast
A sardar was driving his scooter and someone said "hey look the beauty and the beast" the sardar got off his scooter and said who called my wife the beast.
The Sadar 's Virus:
Hi, I'm sardar. Since I am not skilled in programming please delete all your inbox messages and switch off your mobile. Thanks for your help. Now pass this virus to others.
Sadar at the ATM:
A sardar was drawing money from ATM, the sardar behind him in the line said, "Ha! Ha! Haaa! I've seen ur password. Its 4 asterisks (****). "
The first sardar replies, "Ha! Ha! Haaa! U R wrong, Its 1258"
Sadar on Birth:
Man: Sardarji where were U born?
Sardarji: Punjab .
Man: Which part?
Sardar: Oye What part part, whole body Is born in Punjab Yaar".
.Sadar's Wish:
Sardar's wish: when i die, i wana die like my grandpa who died peacefully in his sleep not screaming like all the passengers in the bus he was driving..
For a change, servant is a bigger fool here rather than Buldeep singh.
...listen to the sound of silence....