If a Monkey Takes a Selfie, Who Owns the Copyright?

Yes Guys, It happened. what If a Monkey Takes a Selfie, Who Owns the Copyright? the owner camera or the monkey ?
don't you believe this? then read -> http://blog.niyazsky.com/?p=1128
waiting for your comments. appreciate if you can comment on website. atleast in one word :)
khalli: great, i've heard there's an awful lot of debate about who created the sun; so until we have a verdict; sure gravitation it is; now, to convince the monkey, Mr. Slater and Wikimedia; I'm sure you got that one under control though :-)
(The picture would show nothing if there were no light. So, the sun is the copyright holder) - ha ha. Funny @Khalliwalli
Owner of the camera. Not Wikipedia.
For fighting , there's no need for a reason........... Sat , 09.08.2014, 09.11 hrs
lol ok if you're allowed to say that; i propose that the sun would not exist if not created by someone; so, someone is the copyright holder.
Baburao Ganpatar owns the copyright. You can check his Avatar!
wow hahaha what a fascinating spot of bother...i say every one is right and yet no one is....so bizarre...thanks for sharing:-)