I have Real Problem! Need Advice!

So i got up this morning and i couldn't decide which pair of socks to wear. We have been having long walks together and never did i think it would come to this. I think i love both my pairs of socks, one is nice and warm 100% cotton and the other is nylon stretchable. Both stink equally though.
I do however feel the cotton one is seeing another pair of shoes behind my back. What to do? I love cotton pair so much but it just so hard to replace it with another.
Second problem i have is Gas. I dont know what i ate but i have this Gas problem since i got to work. I've let out a few silent ones here when no one was around, then i took a walk outside and let it roar! Uff i think people thought there was another thunder storm coming.
Please advice PO!
haha so funny!
painther..... ......
Chillax dude, piyo doodh ! :)
shame on you smoke for keeping two relationships at the same time i bet the cotton socks doesnt know about the silk one. :(, You are lucky they are still with you and only seeing one shoe "behind your back,My last socks was a jealous type, and only one day i went for an evening walk with a pair of slippers, she got angry and eloped with my neigbors entire laundry!. Now its just my feet and i.
From the look of things smoke,you and your socks need some time away from each other to find out who used who...u could also see, a medical pedicurist for socks and feet relationhip advice, after that you could come with barefeet and sort things out between you and your socks, instead of washing them in public here.
For your second problem, you could give this a try:
Wel-done Rizk (on your first comments),
What a humour my dear friend!!! Humour on the corpse!!!
The Guy is passed away just a few hours away and here he’s being laughed at, sarcasm at its worst!!!!…..never Heard so!!!!,
even Enemies bow their head in respect to a dead body…..but….it happen only in QL……………………….Weldone My Dear friend !!!
Rizks one or the other Rizks.. what do they say in your language. When you dont have the Bamboo then who make the noise.
OMG Smoke that is so disgusting..! xD hehehhe!
Lol! @ silent ones...Ewwwwwwwwwwwww xD
lol Milkybar
Standing still smelling his smelly socks and keepin his bum tight will make Faint or even Die....lol
Regarding the Gas. I think the problem is your absention from smoking for lent.
It will slowly improve as the smoke enter your body and gets rid of all the bad smell.
So just hold on to your smelly socks and keep your bum tight for now.
If cotton & silk won't mix then it could be lycra & silk.
edifis cotton is a bud and silk is a worm. They wont mix easily.
edifis, no, I am talking about high quality gent's socks.
Also i do not wear stockings....
nomerci are you describing silky stockings. You can gift one of your stockings to Smoke so that he can try them on!
Why not u put 2 fingers in ur rear and open widely and let the GAS come out one and for all instead of coming out every other second ? :(
Khanan is right they will even throw in a, one way free plane trip to Camp Delta.
Smoke this is 4 u..
If I could I would take my smelly socks,
and kill them both with heavy rocks.
My toes I would wash in a lavender bath,
that should be good for another laugh.
My shoes; they stink too you know,
I have thought of throwing them in the snow.
Now rhyming has suddenly gone out of my head,
Please be my guest and complete this....
you missed the point.
You can claim that you got WMD and can become one of the most sought after person in the world.
and later when you got caught, you told them that you were lying.
Are you planning to sell the gas to RG now. Better store and sell it when the price goes up.
Well smoke...first i would advise you to not chose those cheap socks, they can never be trusted. You might want to try a silk/cotton mix...bit more pricey, but have better design, durability and are much more trustworthy.
The gas....hmmm....cumin tea maybe?
here is link for you be careful nobody light behind you
Yes I agree building a pipeline is a complex problem as the destination is fixed but the source is mobile!
There is only one solution-Calculate the loci of your movement and predict them with fair accuracy..... and then build the butt end of it using flexible pipes!
building a pipeline from the source to Ras Gas could fall expensive, may be they can directly hire me?
Yes, either that or make a pipeline and sell all the gas to Ras gas. Or you can store them in bottles and sell them when the gas price rises.
edifis you forgot about my gas problems how will 2 XL condoms solve that? Oh you mean use it like Helium balloons and sell it to kids?
I doubt his finger can hold it in that long, its a temporary fix but will have to do for now.
Swap the pair of sox with 2 XL condoms and all your problems will be solved
smoke, I think the smell is a mixture of your stinky socks and the gas. Are you expecting Rizks to help you to stop the gas?
i cant take this anymore i feel like i must commit sockicide :(
Rizks may be you'd like to take my socks on that skiing vacation to use as a ski cap to cover your bald head?
and screw who? my shoes? what difference would that make...my socks would still be going in my shoes :(
smoke why not you use your socks as condoms and teach ur socks a lesson ? :)
MJ i think my socks want a "No Stinks Attached" kinda relationship now :( *hear broken* mode
Pardon me Guilt what you are smelling could either be my socks or my gas. which one is it?
smoke, your socks are not that into you anymore... :(
smoke, I can smell the smoke.
Milky dont say such things, i have been faithful to my socks all these years, not once did I think ok you old and wrinkled i must get new socks, even though my socks have so many holes!
smoke my boy..Love is not enough for these socks, you have been using them without once saying I LOVE you to them! Poor stinky socks I bet they just feel like zingle and fwee now!
Khanan thanks for the advice, but i'm a non violent type of guy. How about i use my gas to power the cars in Qatar? You know like how they do in India? LPG Lovely Pharting Gas!
How about ur shoes instead ?
Rizks the thought did cross my mind but where to find a cork now...come put your finger there instead.
tinks, he doesn't want to let go.... :P
Smokey have u tried a cork stuffed in ur rear for this Gas issues ? :(
so no advice :(
Maybe one of the sock is already married and now wants to run of with the other boot, without realising that annulment is a very expensive business..:)
smoke you got me in splits.. my tea is spilled all over my desk..fook that is really funny..
let me recover before I can offer you any advice..ROFLMAO
in the true sense!
lol smoke, not if they're afraid of commitment and just wants to take you for a ride.. :P
can bring you alot $$$.
Just eat Garlic, Cheese, Pofakis & Seven Up and then the emitted gas can be used as a lethal weapon. WMD as poisionous gas.
Bottled it and export it!!
Is it that bad to expect a simple I LOVE YOU from my socks? I mean i paid good money for them, thats the least they could do :(
I can suggest a solution to your second problem.
Eat 1 kilo of sweet potato per day.
No worries...just send him an SMS he shall response to your problems from his grave....:)
He iz alive there, he thinks ? :(
LOL smoke, brilliant!! had too many beans today? I hope you don't expect your socks to tell you they love you...:P
I was going to but he died before i could tell him my problems :(
Hmmm...tats some serious problems i say !
Have u consulted Sai baba for this ? :(