how can i tell you???

By miles_away •
How can I tell you that I dont love you anymore? I dont want to hurt you but I cant pretend that I still love's killing me, the way it would kill you if I would end up my relationship with you...
I may sound selfish, but the thought that " Id rather hurt my own than to see you cry" would not be applicable anymore...can anybody share with me how to end up this misery?
EEEeiiiiiiihhhhh !!!! is this a real story or a sheer crap?????????????????????
Start runnning and dont look back...Next time you post such crap you had it.
Ah K...apologies !
Ok, i believe your case is not that easy but you know keepin yourself next to him is a torture for you and a decieval for him...i tell you one thing if he is ready to lose his life for the sake of losing a girl ( no offense for you or any other girl on earth) ;)
let him do it ...i assure you he will not do it..its not that easy as some1 would think
and in case he means it then just let it go....its right, we have to sacrifice for others but not in this case.
Love is a holly thing, we cant take it as a matter of yes or no or in between..just leave him and i tell you in a matter of months he would be over this....
There is a quote which says "waiting for tragedy is worser than tragedy itself"
Lady, do wat your morals needs you to do...and keep the rest for GOD...
Gd luck !
Hey wait, you are the philipina girl who was telling from a while that you love a lebanese guy and you were asking bout the pressures you might face getting married to now its another story as it seems...i can understand from this story that some1 loves you and you dont want to be with him but still dont want to hurt him...
Can you choose a case, so we could help ....
Im confused, which story should we believe!!!
.....i am not the same woman, PLEASE!!!do not confuse me with miles04...she's got her own matter to settle. However, the common factor here is we both are dealing with Lebanese. cheers!!!
Hey wait, you are the philipina girl who was telling from a while that you love a lebanese guy and you were asking bout the pressures you might face getting married to now its another story as it seems...i can understand from this story that some1 loves you and you dont want to be with him but still dont want to hurt him...
Can you choose a case, so we could help ....
Im confused, which story should we believe!!!
If u r comfortable with some one mediating, then I could do it for you...
I didn't find me in you.. and that's not your mistake..we are not in the "boat".. Love can take many things, but everything what we had I will remember and keep with me, taking the best moments. I hope and belive that you will do.I always belived in you and I will. With or without me close to you...
You made me wiser and I keep you in my heart...You are my love.. which will stay.. but I wish to meet my future. And I hope to have my present as much as I wish to you.
Just let it go..
You can do something like my friend did when she had the same problem with her bf.
1> Try to find another girl for him who can divert his attention away from yourself.
2> Find another person to love for yourself. He will take care of the rest.
3> If you want to be single then you have to throw him out of your life. Either he/you should leave the country.
4> Last resort, you can put a mediator to resolve the issue and settle it in a better way. The mediator should be really trust worthy person otherwise he/she may screw it all up.
5> If none of the above works. God Bless you! cause the other methods are all violent and not recommended.
u said it yourself, "you end up being physically hurt".. IMHO, if that happened to me, sh*t he's definitely out of my life, he can shoot himself for all i care..
just tell him....he will be happy that u were honest to him...he will understand...
It's not that simple, he's got suicidal tendencies and is not just threatening me... i tried so many times to cool off with him in different ways. It's either I ended up being physically hurt or he's hurting himself. I had been so gentle and tough...but to no avail. Now i ran out of idea on how to cut the crap...I JUST WANT TO BE ALONE again!!!
just do it.
tell him now.
simple... stop beating around the bush and lay the cards on the table...