heaven's sake- spare the monkeys

He killed my far off cousin :o(
Man killed zoo monkey during theft try
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — A 22-year-old man clubbed a monkey to death with a tree branch, after he was bitten by the animal while trying to steal it from a Boise zoo, prosecutors allege.
Michael J. Watkins entered Zoo Boise on Saturday morning, manipulated a lock to get into the primate enclosure and removed the patas monkey by wrapping it in his jacket, Ada County Deputy Prosecutor Fafa Alidjani told reporters after Watkins was arraigned in Boise's 4th District Court.
"He told police he was going to throw the monkey outside the fence," Alidjani said Wednesday. When he failed, the monkey bit him, prompting Watkins to use a tree branch to bash the monkey in the head and neck, she said.
A security guard spotted the intruder, who ran, and the animal died a short time after it was found by zoo officials.
I want to be a malicious monkey murderer, killing humans is no fun, but monkeys that's fun wrapped in fun bag, surrounded by fun.
Read more: http://www.qatarliving.com/node/6814046#ixzz2CyAQxw1N
I do enjoy a game of spank the monkey. Gives me a warm feeling.
u mean spock is bz studying physics
Why get a girlfriend when I can get a monkey?
No idea where Spock is, maybe he is having back door loving with a monkey.
QDCLover what happen to spock ;)
@QDCLOVER, So monkeys are "funbags" to you.. lol.. get a girlfriend..
I want to be a malicious monkey murderer, killing humans is no fun, but monkeys that's fun wrapped in fun bag, surrounded by fun.
Tahsin... dont sleep in the day time.
Source is alreay provided by babu.
Dont worry abt monkeys babu.... have Nimbupani and enjoy.
nomerci i have already informed Nato to take action
tahsin source is posted
What a pratt. He wants a free pet and then kills the thing.
I'm amused by his father's comment - "He's not a malicious monkey murderer," Watkins said. "I'm thinking the monkey attacked him and he just tried to defend himself. I don't think he ever intended to kill it; he's just not that kind of guy."
Babu, won't you sent your clan/tribe after this dacoit?????? (Yes, I learned a new word today:) )
tahsin he was here for 3 months on visit visa
for fun cheru, killing has become a fun game
Criminal minded.
BG, why in funnies?