Have you taken bath today?

Spare brickbatting; let me share my recent amazement.
Oflate I learnt that some people do not take bath everyday? And some even leave for work without it? Now that’s kindaa cultural shock to me. So what to do, on a pleasant Thursday, lets do a survey in QL.
So, the question is ‘have you taken bath today?
Experts however are encouraged to add more insights. (Report will follow the survey)
its better if we go together, the more the merrier
I cant leave from home without taking a bath.. Yes i did took a bath today
i though i was in NASA with a bunch of scientist...
...and the topic has been changed to water conservation...
Yeah, brit. A few years or so. Mars has lots of water.
The Vogon Constructor Fleet has sent its two mega water carriers to replenish the fresh water lakes, but they have developed problems with the Dilithium matter/antimatter conversion pods... so may be delayed for a few yaers :o(
You are right, acandarum. We have a certain fixed amount. And that's it. We can use it, and use it, and use it. But we can't make it leave the planet, nor can we get new resources as of now from outside the Earth.
in that case, we are not wasting any water. right LP?
We are already doing this, acanda. The water on this planet is constantly re-used. There is no delivery from the moon yet.
if you want to save water, then re-use the water tomorrow.
So can we change the title of this Thread to "Have you taking a shower today", because as LP has explained above taking a Bath is unhygienic!
Taking a bath is unhygienic! You lie for a long time in your own shyte. Shower, and save water, shower with a friend.
Think of it this way! People who don't bath are "Conservatives", because they conserve water. Why waste water when 30% of world population has no excess to clean drinking water.
Khanan etal,
There is clear difference with a taking Bath and Shower.
For Bath you have to soak in a Tub, for shower just under the shower for few minutes.
Taking a Bath takes a lot of preparation and you need to soak for at least 15 minutes are you telling us that you have the luxury of time in the morning to do all this. I rather sleep for extra 15 minutes then to take a Bath. I just have a quick 5 minutes shower every morning!
it's important to take a bath every morning before going to office so that you don't have bad odor..
some people don't take a bath everyday, they should be ASHAMED of themselves. they smell weird!! and also need to apply deodorant because some people smell like garbage..
Perhaps this is the reason for Rizks' hair loss.. He's taking too many baths ..
It was fun reading all the comments :D
well i take shower twice a day, in morning quick one and before bedtime to have a good nyt sleep :P
acandaruma, yeah, we believe u!!! :D :D
lol khanan :)
i was shock because in our country people always take a bath. sometimes more than twice a day especially if it's summer.
NGTD, start a new thread..such threads are very popular in QL :)
pls explain what is bath and it's procedure
to add in the shock...
my last bath was on 29-Feb-2009 and next is scheduled on 29-Aug-2011
shocking that you believe what had been written above :/
this post is very shocking... but informative. so there are really people who doesn't take a bath for a month or two or more....
I take bath morning and before going to sleep in night.Cant live wihtout it.In winters even I dont stop my practice.In the morning I have to feel fresh and nightime is for a relaxation shower too.
Hmmm. after reading this post ... I am thinking of Taking bath first time in my life. ....
how many use AXE for Axe-effect (ref the ad)? khanan is one...lol
relieved, brushed my teeth, took bath, changed, applied cream and tibet talc powder, sprayed my armpit with AXE and cloths with "Charlie from Ramez".
I smoke to counter my bad breath :o)
Okay, so now pretty well know how many ppl take a bath in the morning...Can I ask, did everyone brush ur teeth today in the morning???? or jus like u spay perfume on ur body, u spray the same in ur mouth too and come to work? lol :D
i think men dont bath as often as women... but saying that i know alot of men that are cleaner than some of the women i know but its rare and no i didnt bath today i have my baths on the night once all the house work is done and kids are in bed, nothing worse than being clean in a messy/ dirty house..
lol Milky/painther !
painther in bath tub i can't stretch my legs...:(
ok now, this is getting naughty ! :)
then why dont you make love in bath tub itself.....
environ-friendly advise ..... :)
What you chain your Goat after each love making session?
painther i take shower after making love inorder to perform the next love making and the chain goes on and on and on......:)
you take bath before love making thats fine but after love making?? why??? do you make it so unclean?? just curious, you knw
I only take Baths on my Vacation (thats like twice a year) thats when I have time to light the candles around the bath and soak the bubble bath and bath salts.
All I have time for each morning is a quick shower! :(
Da she uses Onionspray under her arms, why ? u wanna go and smell or wat ? :)
Its people like you who bath 10 times a day and cause water shortages in places like India and Somalia! Any ladies feeling environment friendly are invited to shower with me.
Rizku...it cant be 365 days 'every' year.
can you invite us to view the love scene ;)
and then what perfume or deodorant do you use :D
jameskgm its 365 days every Year....:)
Man...you are like a fish.
I take a bath once a month.
Smoke... brush what?... body or teeth...:)
Rizks, which day is that!!!!
I have a shower in the morning and a bath at night. I dont know how you can get by in this weather without bathing everyday!!! That was a surprise post..lol..
I usually take bath before making Love and After making LOVE - so tats 2 times a day.....:)
happy i think you have this all mixed up...brush THREE times a day...shower max 2 times a day.
I take bath 2 times a day....Morning before leaving for office and evening after reach to home from office
Yes took bath in the morn, will again do so in the eve after gym and last one before go to bed...:) Looks like I am compensating for people who dont take bath...
I've not taken a bath in over a year.
I take a bath only in the nights, i cant get out anywhere without taking a bath. I however dont take a shower before coming to work...there's no freaking time!
i take once a week