Have a fablous Weekend ! :)

Very good morning dear Qlers....
As you all may be aware that..
The Sun rises from the East and sets in West...
The Birds tweet from 05am and sleeps by 6pm...
and so on and so forth....this is the life cycle...
I just shared this info thinking that most of us might not be knowing that its weekend...so YES, habby weekend everyone...
As per the customs of QL i take this oppourtunity to ask wat your weekend plans are ?
As for me, will hit some beach and do sky diving or most probably life-guarding ! :)
oh, just read tat "Bikinis' are not banned in Ras Al Khaimah...RAK here i come....:)
@rizks: :D same to you & to all any special reason to comment on this forum which you have Posted about a year ago :P
Have a Fabulous weekend Everyone ! :)
I have Sat offff..yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhh..
But Y don't I go home at 3.awwwwwwwww............ :(
nad lemme tak u out of tht "oh her job has awsome timings" , I work 6 days a week :-)
and hate it whoever has a sat off :-/ ( its well known fact btw)
blisteringbra, have u ever got up at 5am in your life ? :)
If so, before brushing ur black teeths and before taking shower..oh wait, tat u take once in every month - i think..just go out at 5am and see birds tweeting and mating on the trees....:)
Mans, i say are so disconnected from the beautiful nature that they run back of unnatural things...:)
OMG - Haven't met anyone more deadlier than Khanan :) Sorry for ignorance..my crystal clear mind thinks that Khanan is very deadly (wild) with Khanan..I mean a joyful seclusion hannn? hahaha :)
*Sighhh..* was thinkin that I missed someone more deadlier than Khanan...lol
blame it on milk (camel) and dates in the today's Breakfast :)
BB ,, Your birds are damn lazy ,,,You have to wake them up by yourself at 5
Haven't met anyone more deadlier than Khanan :)
Khanan: It not even mid-day .... and you already on a Weekend High!! :)
GG: Cant you confirm that yourself? :P
LOl Pajjyyee Except touchy feelings I never had itchy feelings in 26.4 years. :) Oh u were in relationship with Deadlooo then better stay away from me.. Captain is already positive cuz of Deadloo and appointed Nads and Zafirah to scratch his balls (eyes balls) in two shifts. :)
P.S. However I like ur Avatar I mean the way you stand with ur hips on move it baby mode. :) hahaha
BB do u work those hrs??
khanan....deadman claims that he is deadly can you please confirm..lol
In tht case I am Habby...
Storm has 2 days off and still she goes home on thursday at 1PM. Can I apply a job for ur company bleeaaaseeee..
Strom... go at 5am and stay on till 7am... you will know what I am talking about... :-)
might be mistaken then, might be LLR then :)
NAD: Many of you work for only 5 days a week, whereas we work for 6 so dont feel bad about your job :P
Khanan: Meeting whom, where and when? *Stunned*
deadloo: are we meeting tonight? I heard about your itchy situation ;)
for me its three hrs :-) yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... i m winner of the day :-)
wht only 4 hrs, DM can't u find job for me at ur workplace ????? bleeeeeeeseeeeeee..
All the beautiful ladies on the forum and all the handsome hunks, moreover, a chipmunk and wily old fox.... a very good morning to you all! Wishing you all a very good weekend.
4 hours to end this week's work! :)
Good Boint u Bake BB..
Nad... happy wednesday... lol
My boint peing We are so disconnected from nature...lol
Happy weekend..
Busy Busy today..
Busy Busy Tomorrow..
Love you Busy Busy. :)
Wish you all a happy weekend. :) Be smart, Be safe and Have lots of Fun.
BB u shud visit aspire park ... birds tweet all day ... and u will love their chirping in aspire park :-)
no birds tweet at 5am... check it out... tomorrow... pay attention to nature...
birds tweet only during a certain time around 6am and 7am
Thats the correct time for Breakfast... its nature's ALARM...
Alas!... man is so disconnected from nature!
and BB whats ur point :)
TB I am vth u man..........
But that's what you did last weekend :O)
I'm going to eat myself silly this weekend. Can't wait!
snessy never knew that Rizks was Happy, I thought he was the grumpy out of the seven dwarfs..:)
where is Brit to arrrrrrgggggghhhhhhh?
Khanan -- haha! Thanks, I will look for Egybtian dictionary. LOL!
you can find zis word in English dictionary published in Egybt :)
Happy weekend to you
Happy weekend to you
Happy weekend Dear Rizks
Happy weekend to you
Habby Weekend! Can't find the meaning of "Habby" in my dictionary. LOL!
Rizks you 4 eyes baldie jackal, I was answering to Suleiman,
UkEng you old tri-cycle paddler...did i mention anywhere tat the pic i posted is of 'Karak' ? :)
UkEngQatar ,,, I haven't seen any Karak chai :(
good morning !!!!!!!!!!!! and yup quite excited for NO REASON :-)
I protest the above picture is not of a karak chai but of a traditional English Cuppa Tea with milk..:)
Karak chai you boil the milk with the tea..:)
Good morning and happy weekend for you Rizks and for all QLers
Rizks: was this picture taken in your Karak chai Restaurant ?
I can do vth Bag vth peppers..
When I used to watch this ad, I luved it..
Yeah, it's been a long time, staying a bit in read mode and commenting when i have time.
Sure thing, tomorrow, i'll see you and check if the bikini suits you well. :)
BM, hello lady ! long time ? ......
anywayz, will see ya at the beach tomorrow for walk, talk and dip.....:)
Happy weekend! heading to the beach tomorrow for some morning walk and dip. :-)
dunno abt Bagpiper but, i have a bag with some pepper in it...:(
Bagpiper soda :P
English: I am doing good..
nad, there is a saying in hindi which goes something like this....
"Khoob jamega rang jab baithe 2 dost, tum aur hum - for karak"....:)
English: How are you ? :)
Rizksss.. Habby Beekend to u and all other lovely QLer's and yes I am fan of Karak Chai too..
My weekend seems good enough, lets see how it goes..
thanks cutiepinky,
You have good biceps...:)
Good morning everybody... Finally its Thursday!!! have a good rest.
Men .. who drink too many teas need to take medicines while travelling overseas.
Might had slept late .. last night ..
Tats a relief tinku ! :)
Thank ku.
Et Tu, Put tu, kut tu....
Habby Weekend!
and Enjoy!
Thats OK but why would you hit the beach...:) And it is weird that you like to wear bikinis...:)
Please be kind to non-living things too ...
so its you, the yellow headed snake charmer...:)
howdy buddy...:)
m still waiting for a 'Aarrgggh' comment ! :(
Habby Weekend to all :)
No problem any time for a Karak with you Rizks..:)
Please remember to carry your medicines with you when you travel.
Thanks Mods for fixing tat pic.
Can we have karak chai together sometimes - Mods ? :)
Rizks thnks for the weekend greetings is there any discount offer going on at Lulu....?
Damn, i just attached my lovely pic which i clicked yesterday when i was at Lulu.....:(