Good Bye 'Beep Beep'

After non stop running for 1 year and 7 weeks on QL, my Beep Beep has reach 5000 miles today :-)
I thought it's time to say Good Bye to my 'Beep Beep'.... from now onwards Qlers will not be annoyed any more ;-)
Am going for some online window shopping ... Soon I will come up with something new which will be more annoying for you guys ;-)
You know I can't live without annoying you all :-D
'Beep Beep'
actually someone is after me since long time... she is working on some kind of 'Nitrogen liquid' ... she said she will dunk my body in nitro liquid and she will see my body shatter into pieces ;-)
oooh, evil lurks on QL...
(note to self: don't get on the wrong side of jasskat!)
no no i don't want to kill my beep beep with your fake 'Nitro Liquid' ... you fake scientist :-D
beep beep?
don't you mean 'bib bib'?
I will miss him :-(
oh send beep beep to me :D
tra la la
i guess your Boss wants to upgrade to give a more hi-tech service to the earthlings :)
puf! secret language for QLers...
War looking for peace,
is like fornication looking for virginity.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
signature since i joined QL... 5000 miles i refer to my QL points :-)
bye bye "beep beep" we need a gathering to say a final good bye to "Beep Beep"...:D
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
Im lost...
I think I dont understand...
War looking for peace,
is like fornication looking for virginity.
I concerntrate more on my volunteer job not on Social ;-)
yea don't challenge me .... i will call back my 'beep beep' :-D
am talking about beep beep 'Road runner'
I sold my old car (little Citroen Saxo) with 215.000km
(maybe It was too much, but 5.000 miles is too few!!!)
War looking for peace,
is like fornication looking for virginity.
Masalama Beep Beep!!
get a life man talk when you reach to 10000 :P