Funny police incident

Canadian Achilles
By Canadian Achilles

I'm new to doha, been here a couple of weeks, but already running into hilariousness.

so i was stopped at a red light with a police car right in front of me, and all of a sudden the rear driver side door opens and a startled, bare footed, Asian man hops out and looks around, then proceeds to run like hell towards the cars behind me.

a few seconds later, a disgruntled traffic cop comes out and does this head shake that said "ugh, here we go again" and took off after the Asian guy.

my mother and brother in the car with my were shocked first and then hilarity ensued, especially when i drove past the open door and another scared Asian man was still sitting in the car, shocked at what just happened.

we'd never seen anything like it. no handcuffs, no child safety'd doors. it's no wonder though, this country has one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

there's just something really funny about a bare foot Asian man's futile attempt to escape the law.

By Canadian Achilles• 29 Oct 2012 10:10
Canadian Achilles

you don't get it..

i understand. you seem to be doing that a lot here.

yes, i grew up in the land where most here only dream of and yes, in toronto, women are even allowed to go topless, legally, because that's how awesome canada is, its even more free than america.

the point i was making was how the skimpy clothed, east migrants are exposing the youth to a more free and open way of living. i think it's awesome. the progressive social change, duh.

again for some reason you find that to be insulting..

i guess you can't appease everyone here, but at least don't complain if you wont bother to understand. JS

also you people all seriously need to chill and act like adults. most of you here are older than me by at least a decade and yet I feel like i'm more mature and rational..

By ghazalz• 29 Oct 2012 09:57

Hate and jealousy make your heart black!

Read more:

By Molten Metal• 29 Oct 2012 09:40
Molten Metal

By robherr soft• 29 Oct 2012 09:04
robherr soft

And u know what u r not aussie. Ur english sucks to the bone! Dont pretend u MFr!

By robherr soft• 29 Oct 2012 09:02
robherr soft

Hahahaha! And who told u im 5'5? Excuse me...r u really that assuming? Let's meet today and i will show my real height to u ahole. Pinoys are one of the most secured people.. Insecurities? sorry we r not familiar with the word. I wonder how ur ex pinay broke ur effing heart. U seem so mad at us..And u r calling us insecure? I think u r the most insecure dog crap.

By anonymous• 29 Oct 2012 07:56

Who ratteled your cage again,,,, what happened did your boyfriend go away for the weekend and your at home alone boared again,,,,, poor man

By anonymous• 29 Oct 2012 07:55

It the heats too hot in the kitchen,, get out,,, remember your only 5ft 5in tall Robherr,,,,, act your age not your height... so insecure today behind your screens,,,

By robherr soft• 28 Oct 2012 22:16
robherr soft

TCOM.. yeah bad...i should not call drover's dog a Dog.. Instead better if i call this ahole a DOG CRAP.

By nomad_08• 28 Oct 2012 22:05

Yeah Azi, the only difference is that the other one was a chicken and this one is a dog.

By azilana7037• 28 Oct 2012 20:39

L_P and DG do have the same love-hate attitude towards the pinoys...who knows?

By nomad_08• 28 Oct 2012 20:31

Geez this dog must be related to Legal_pad (remember that old f*rt)?

By t_coffee_or_me• 28 Oct 2012 19:10

Call DG a dog is the biggest insult to a dog.

By robherr soft• 28 Oct 2012 19:09
robherr soft

Shut the F Up drover's dog. U r really a dog! We maybe monkey but at least related to humans. Unlike a dog like u...Sanopabits!

By anonymous• 28 Oct 2012 17:06

yes millions working here in the middle east ,, as we say you get what you pay for,, you can train any monkey to do a job, monkey see...monkey do,, is that easy,, no skills in that,,,have great eid vacation to all races... Happy eid,, no matter what God you think is the right God... From Drovers Dog

By azilana7037• 28 Oct 2012 08:20

either he just wanted to be known onboard by riding the bandwagon drovers dog is in...

or got screwed by a lady kabayan...tsk tsk tsk...

Either way...its pathetic to even waste an iota of attention to people like him.

GOOD DAY...I'm off to the beach today.

By azilana7037• 28 Oct 2012 08:17

thus the comments read ridiculous now.

By ssplash• 28 Oct 2012 02:33

Laugh at urself dude!..

By anonymous• 28 Oct 2012 02:20

yeah Filipinos & Filipinas bring it up, show your true colors. the more yous comments, the more we laugh.

By ssplash• 28 Oct 2012 02:15

You old drover's dog!..walk with out limping,dump your glasses as well as ur stick..We may be the poorest country but doesn't make us hinder from filling up our mind with intelligence..doubt on this??

I guess the two of U should see a Psychologist in earliest possible time..or better yet! a psychiatrist!!LOL!!

By ssplash• 28 Oct 2012 02:09

Hey!achiles,grew up in Canada?..i don't think so!..haven't you seen women around you wearing plunging necklines & popping pout B_ _ _ s..hey!man,don't try to hide ur _ _ _ _ mentality!..

By HelenMS• 28 Oct 2012 02:06

I just can't get this whole discussion about the "fact" that the "Asian" was a Filipino! NOWHERE did his comments say that!!!!... and Asian in my country means anyone from China, Japan, Philippines, Korea, etc etc...

Come on guys.. get a life! Pffft! :(

By Canadian Achilles• 27 Oct 2012 23:15
Canadian Achilles

i've created a monster :/

i agree we should have like and dislike buttons.

I assure you guys, i'm not racist.

koodos to the hot filipinas who dress provocatively so as to show what it means like to be free of social secularism.

you filipinas are the front lines, the driving force for freedom and change.

dubai opened it's mind and doors to all possibilities and freedoms, and look at how awesome they've become.

I hope qatar will one day do the same, as it looks like the doors are being jarred and pried open slowly by the amazing filipina crow bar in skimpy clothing.

just my 2 cents, haters gonna hate, but they can't abstain from staring :P

By alex brod• 27 Oct 2012 22:56
alex brod

Down underneath...

By azilana7037• 27 Oct 2012 21:26

removing the offensive "words".

The OP everyone chillax?

And as for drover's dog, he's one of those pinoy-phobic people....let him be....

there's nothing one can do or say to change his opinions (he's entitled to it) about the Philippines or the arguing with be futile coz the more people reacts to his tirades, the more he is enjoying it....

By Molten Metal• 27 Oct 2012 21:07
Molten Metal

By Marija• 27 Oct 2012 20:59

Can I make a suggestion for the site managers to introduce like options in here? Zouheirs comment just cracked me down loooooool

By anonymous• 27 Oct 2012 20:37

Honesty is a very expensive gift.. don't expect it from cheap people.

By robherr soft• 27 Oct 2012 20:33
robherr soft

Drover's dog... u mess with a wrong race...u r only showing ur stupidity. Why faggot? Is there any Filipina who dumped u LOL. We may have a poor country or bad country...And so? What is it with u MF! Did we in any sort bash ur country? Just mind ur own business u braindead!

By Molten Metal• 27 Oct 2012 19:34
Molten Metal

Canadian is a young lad .. show him our big heart .. allow him to settle down a bit .. & he already received the message and acted upon that ..

By britexpat• 27 Oct 2012 19:16

Troll alert ..

By tigabaguio• 27 Oct 2012 18:57

calm down dude,

don't let your hemorrhoids pop out from your anus man..

relax, you wont get paid telling other nationalities who they are..

and wont get you become whiter either..

so don't mind us too much..

not unless you are one of those kabayan's of mine who lives in the squatter areas that loves to gossip..

By anonymous• 27 Oct 2012 17:15

grow up pinos,,,, if you cant tell the difference from a pino something is wron,, i lived with one for 4 years and all her friend coming and going every day,, . what is wrong, the fact he said he was in a police car... god look at the philippines,, the poorest asian couny ,, hello wke up,, , oh maybe if you oinos have been to Indonasia, singapore, malaysia, cambodia, and the othe asian countrys you would know how bad and how poor the philippines is, so if you have not been out of the philippines to other asian countrys,, shut the flook up,, get alife and stop being so insecure,, linp... sticks

By t_coffee_or_me• 27 Oct 2012 16:02

For a Canadian your English sucks.

By friendlyme• 27 Oct 2012 15:51

It's sounds a little bit funny now that you have edited/updated this thread. I gave you the benefit of the doubt for such mistake.

By tigabaguio• 27 Oct 2012 15:51


the never ending way of posting..

and one of our kabayan here is transforming into another nationality..

i walk at the beach bare footed last night..

we filipinos too can walk at the beach with no boots lol..

By leo_nardo• 27 Oct 2012 15:13

@Canadian Achilles

It was very unfortunate that a lot of Filipinos got offended with you mistakenly identifying an asian man as a Filipino. I too, being a Filipino myself can mistook an Indonesian or Nepali as a Filipino. I understand that you do not mean to be racist, it was an honest mistake. I would just like to point out that no Filipino is stupid enough to run from the police because he/we know that there's nowhere to run/hide here in Doha.

By Canadian Achilles• 27 Oct 2012 13:21
Canadian Achilles

i realize now the term phillipino made me look racist, and i apologize from now on, it's asian.

many of my good friends back home are from the phillipines.

people need to take a chill pill, despite my lack of explaining, you should at least ask questions before letting your imagination run rampant with misconceptions.

why on earth would I want to establish myself as a racist in a country full of all kinds of different nationalities.

I grew up in Toronto, one of the most multi-cultural cities in the world. I have friends from all over the globe.

just yesterday I was hanging out with cool dudes from this website, clearly there's also misinformed and insecure individuals on here too who would rather throw blame than understand. let alone derail forum topic from the original post.

By Canadian Achilles• 27 Oct 2012 13:04
Canadian Achilles

holy hell people!

clearly I came across the same way.

I'm not racist! and i'm sorry i said phillipino, he was a darker colored Asian gentleman. the cop car in front of me and I were on the right hand side of the road so i had to drive around left.

wow, what a way to start off here on QL.

I was only trying to describe what I saw, and it cracked us up in the car after the shock wore off because we'd never ever seen anything like that before in Canada, let alone right in front of us.

the cop was alone, hence me looking into the car when i drove around it..

wow, you people make horrible assumptions about people.

again sorry if it came across that way. and yes, i just started looking for work. not sure it's worth staying here with people that can't take a misunderstood joke..

By ghazalz• 27 Oct 2012 12:16

Now read the post again and be happy :)

By theluckycharm123• 27 Oct 2012 10:10

Freakin hilarious man!

By Molten Metal• 27 Oct 2012 09:33
Molten Metal

not Indonesian .. why not Combodian .. & so on .. ?

By azilana7037• 27 Oct 2012 09:29

Question is, the OP may have made a mistake...maybe its a NEPALI or KOREAN.

He also said he's in Doha and on this website. he's also jobless so he got a lot of time to waste....PLUS he's looking to meet "ENGLISH SPEAKING" for give him a break and let him have his day under the (Qatar) sun.


By missmeever• 27 Oct 2012 07:13

Turns out that this thread woke up all filipinos in Doha, c'mmon pls dont crucify this chap, he was just sharing something funny. BTW almost everyone can identify the nationality after having spent an year over in doha, no big deal to identify esp Asians.

By ghazalz• 27 Oct 2012 07:04

He wants to share something unusual he saw there, but his choice of words made some people offended. That's common here.

In my opinion, it was a dramatic scene rather than funny.

By anonymous• 27 Oct 2012 05:24

SSplash seems like you dont have a life to get.. sharing a story that happened ( sadly was about a philipino which he can easily recognize same as we do ) doesnt gives you the right to say his racist.

By anonymous• 27 Oct 2012 04:54

get a life, get out from behind your screen and see the real worl, stop saying all people hate pinos,, your wrong, grow up , get life,, see real people dont worry about the little things, life is to short to make an issue over a pino running away from a police car,, please.

By ssplash• 27 Oct 2012 04:22

Asians have common looks but it does'nt means they have same you guys-have fair skin,tall nose,blonde hair does this means all guys out there with same looks came from Australia??..It does not make sense at all!

By ssplash• 27 Oct 2012 04:14

R u aware bout the contents of ur post bro.?..How many times you mentioned the word "insecure"?..c'mmon! R u referrin' to us? or to urself?? u said cool down bro.!

By anonymous• 27 Oct 2012 04:04

it not that hard to pick the pino out,, my god,, are you all that dumb,,, why so insecure,, it would not be the first pino locked up in a police car, i know some pinos that was locked up last week over drugs,, they not the first,, wake up,, relax,, chill out,,, as i said it not rocket science to pick the pino,, what he said is not racist,,, get a live you limp sticks,,, wake up stop being so insecure as you all are here,,

By ssplash• 27 Oct 2012 02:29

Hey!achiles,you R just new in Doha & havin' a racist thread like this?!...All over the world- there is no place for a racists like you!..Go to hell!..LOL...

By JORQAT2012• 27 Oct 2012 02:24

Are The Most Committed People I Have Ever Met.

By anonymous• 27 Oct 2012 01:27

common guys he wasn't being racist just because mentioned specific nationality... it was a story he wanted to share. why you think he cant recognize if that was a philipino? everyone knows how do philipinos looks like where is the problem in it?

By alex brod• 27 Oct 2012 01:14
alex brod

Why you pinpoint and sure that is filipino, you think Filipino doesn't wear shoes or sandal...butthead..

By anonymous• 26 Oct 2012 23:43

thats not hard to see, like most of the girls at the food check outs... big noses and big bellys, im an old western man and only have the big belly, I see nothing about this being a racist thread friendlyme, looks like you insecurity is showing again.. get a life pls, i think its very funny,, loved to of seen this one myself.

By jubilantks• 26 Oct 2012 23:33

so, it is none of my business....

By t_coffee_or_me• 26 Oct 2012 23:10

Why do you feed a troll?

By anonymous• 26 Oct 2012 22:51


By zaheer_sayyed• 26 Oct 2012 22:12

Chill Filipino's he said "A Filipino" don't take it to ur self.

Its funny .. y r u people so serious.

By nomad_08• 26 Oct 2012 21:05

What is the problem with you kabayans, the OP was referring to Phillipinos and not to us Filipinos...okei!

By Good old joe• 26 Oct 2012 20:52
Good old joe would not be funny if you were in that guys situation. The next thing you would be wondering why you were being locked up and maybe days later you would be on your way home and you would still be wondering about the reason for that

By friendlyme• 26 Oct 2012 20:31

You've been here for a couple of weeks and without a job. And you're trying to make a racist thread. I wonder if one company will hire you if they learn you're a xenophobic psychopath.

By Molten Metal• 26 Oct 2012 20:19
Molten Metal

Were the police real ?

By Lilyofthevalley• 26 Oct 2012 20:02

What is the point you are trying to make?

By spiker_06• 26 Oct 2012 19:56

Is this one of your jokes?not funny bro..

By jiane karyll• 26 Oct 2012 19:44
jiane karyll

how did you know that he is a Filipino? did he told you that he is a filipino when he passed by you or does he has a signage saying I am a filipino? How will you drove past the open door of the police car wherein you just said that the police car is infront of you and the door is open? so definitely with that situation, you have to drove to the right side of the police car and not on the left side in which the door is open at the same time it will block your way. and why the one who is driving the police is the one who took off in pursuit where there is another police in the passenger side because in a police car, there is always a presence of 2 police, the one who drives and the other one is the buddy.

By firefighter• 26 Oct 2012 19:36

How U Know that he was A Filipino?

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