Funny people or stubid people

1. A man cheated his wife by having an affair with other woman and then this man comes crying after some time and saying my wife cheated me (really she cheated him).
Applicable also for woman.
2. A person who had a fortune and one time he saw a poor guy which needs only 10 Ryals for dinner and this person did not help the poor guy.
After some time this person while driving had a flat tire and no body stopped to help him.
The funny thing id that this person says that people do not help each other, they are selfish.
3. A person is having bad friends and they all went to the police because they were charged for bad acts, then in the jail they started cursing each other!!
Why no one between them came with a good advice?
There are many other examples I guess, and always remember that your words counts.
I'm very fluent in Drunkanese
Alama, you speaka Singapore ah ;-)
A karma ran over my dogma..
I do not know what is Karma
You better do good or Karma will come and bite you in the ass ;-)
I believe what you're referring to is Karma.