Finally! I've made it :)
Guys, Yeah ! I've made it! I don't know how happy I'm at this moment , but I've made it to my '999' th point! I know I've never been wise , never been smart to make the wisest posts and comments , but still I 'm happy to share my joy with you , right now. And I must say that Its your ideas, that inspired me to comment on that :)
well done.
Believe in Allah and believe that He is the only God before u die. your soul will be in rest of peace. Insha Allah
Keep it up....!
wow! clap!clap!
Great....finally the jump over the wall....that was 999.
Looking at your avatar.... i would have to agree
Rules are a guideline for intelligent people, but they must be adhered to by idiots.
keep going... 9999 is not far away. lol
"Before God we are all equally wise ' and equally foolish" - Albert Einstein
Cogito...ergo, sum.....
"Think 100 times before you take a decision, But once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man" - Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Well done!
thank you so much peeps :)
---If you can't CONVINCE 'em, CONFUSE 'em!!!
This is the number of the Devil...upside down! Pass it fast! :)
Well done... Hope you go on to lots and lots more ...