.. Everything in life ..

By Molten Metal •
.. Everything in life ..
'' Everything in life is somewhere else, and you get there in a car. '' by E B White ..
MM .... Saturday, 23.11.2013, 06.51 hrs .....
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Cars have other uses as well.
Thanks everybody for your worthy inputs ........
Tue, 26.11.2013 , 07.06 hrs ..
the car..sigh..what can i say?..to me, the car is one of the most lovely things man ever made..driving down a lonely road with your thoughts for company..an escape from where you are..a sense of moving on to somewhere else..you could see it as a box on wheels..or you could look closely and see a personality..if only animals and cars could talk:-)
Rizks: be serious. This is Qatar. Where am I going to find an Ostrich. The answer is Bicycle or Roller Skates.
not necessary car, we can reach there by Horse, Elephant, Camel, Donkey or even on a Ostrich !
MM, That's why we have roads.