Dracula and the Bat:)
Once upon a time Dracula decided to carry some sort of a competition to see which is the finest bat to stand on his side. So all the bats were honored to take part. The rules were simple. Whichever bat drinks more blood, will be the winner?
So the first bat goes and comes back after 10 minutes. Her mouth was full of blood. Dracula says: "Congratulations, how did you do that?" The bat said: "Do you see that tower? Behind it there is a house. I went in and sucked the blood of all the family". "Very good" said Dracula.
The second bat goes and comes back after 5 minutes all her face covered in blood. Dracula astonished says, "How did you do that?" The bat replies " Do you see that tower? Behind it there is a school. I went in and drunk the blood of all the children". "Impressive" said Dracula.
Now the third bat goes and comes back after three minutes literally covered in blood from top to toe. Dracula is stunned. "How on earth did you do that????" he asked. And the bat replies. "Do you see this tower?" Dracula replies with a yes. And the bat says "Well, I didn't".
ROFL. nice one.
He's getting so old and senile that his victims have to point him to the right place :O(
Dracula, hope you have a good dentist
check in "ALUCARD Store" in Souq:P
...the sexy girl or the blue T-shirt? :P
By verisimilitude at 2010-07-27
how r u dracccccccccccccccccc???
Regarding the "pain in the neck"...don't be afraid..isn't a real pain..just an OUCH, then everything it's fine..:)
even though we are sure you are lying
I didn't do it
and I'll not do it again !
heheh... genuine stuff mate :)
but I heard he's a 'pain' in the 'neck' :-p
hence the term - "Blind as a bat" :O)
Legend has it that our Dracula was flying for a vacation to India, but due to his short-sightedness and lack of geography ended up in Doha ...
lol.. And where is Draccy? Eating that bat?
Not only that..bats used to take a BATH thru their own urine.
bats have a weak vision..but they can hear-out any obstructions infront of them through ultrasonics...
hmm gud one
lolzz nice joke
i like to drink cranberry juice, rasberry juice and lots more
too gud............
i didnt do it
i will not do it again !! :)
Were is Draccy ?