Dog adopts panda cubs

Two abandoned red panda cubs are thriving at a zoo in China - after being adopted by a dog.
The cubs were ignored by their mother after it gave birth in front of a crowd at Taiyuan Zoo in China's Shanxi province.
"No one knew she was pregnant. Her thick fur and plump body helped cover her secret," said keeper Ha Guojiang.
"She may have got scared seeing so many staring eyes, and has refused to nurse her cubs since birth."
The zoo urgently needed a replacement mother if the cubs were to live and found a dog which had recently given birth on a neighbouring farm.
The dog is now raising the two cubs like its own offspring - sometimes even refusing to feed her own pup..
At three weeks old, the baby cubs have not yet opened their eyes but have doubled in length to 20cms.
caring someone who needs it...
i was just thinking if the milk tastes the same???
mai lain pa!
Thanks for clearing that up Drac - I just assumed it was the Giant Panda variety.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
The lesser spotted Panda...Usually found with a pig at the wheel ..
marycatherine :
it's a Red Panda, also called the Firefox or Lesser Panda
The power of maternal love ..............sniff !
Funny, these panda babies look a lot like raccoons (pandas don't have long tails do they?)
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
Drac said:
hahahahahhaaa, MD
Panda you buzz-off :P
"scared seeing so many staring eyes".
What's wrong with these Chinese 'bachelors'?
So this is our friend panda. Hm.