"Dark in here"

A woman is having an affair during the day while her husband is at work. Her nine-year-old son comes home unexpectedly, sees the illegal loves and hides in the bedroom cupboard to watch. Then the woman's husband unexpectedly comes home.
She hides her lover in the cupboard, not realizing that her little boy is in there already.
The little Boy says: "Dark in here."
The Man says: "Yes, it is."
Boy: "I have a soccer ball, do you want to buy it?"
Man: "No, thanks."
Boy: "My dad's outside, I'll call him if you don't buy it!"
Man: "OK, how much?"
Boy: "$1,000."
A few weeks later it happened again, and the boy and the lover were in the cupboard together again.
Boy: "Dark in here."
Man: "Yes, it is."
Boy: "I have soccer boots."
The Man, remembering the last time, asks the boy: "How much?"
The Boy says :"$5,000."
The Man says: "Fine, I will buy them."
A few days later, the Father says to the boy: "Grab your ball and boots, let's go outside and have a game."
The Boy says: "I can't, I sold them for $ 6,000."
The Father says: "That's terrible to overcharge your friends like that... $ 6,000 is way more than those two things cost. I'm going to take you to church and make you confess your "SINS."
They go to church and the father makes the little boy sit in the confession booth and he closes the door.
The Boy says: "Dark in here."
The Priest says: "Don't start that again!"
thanks for the laugh, some of us dont have the time to spend hours reading every thread/post on here, so might not get to see the joke first time, also newcomers might not have seen it.
So dont be put off posting, you will always get people saying they have heard it before, so to those bright sparks who have heard it before and said so ........... the point is, it is posted for those who havn't Duh!!!!
For the record I have heard a similiar version of this joke but refrained from posting to say I have ......... just to get the extra QL point LOL
for new QL who have not read it yet!
Thanks arseboy!! :D i enjoyed it!
seen this before... slightly different
nice one for new Q.L members
used to post lots of latest jokes and stuff like that but these days am so busy no time at all
before :)
Tcom - is there a severe shortage of fresh Jokes ???????
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
This has been posted zilions of time
I have posted this not so long ago
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Really funny....