Curious Case QL Taglines

[My Interpretation of some QLer's Taglines...just FUN no Offence please..It’s in funnies on a lighter Thursday…Cheers!!!]
1. I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
you must be INSANE.
2. I don't believe in taking right decisions; I take decisions and make them right.
What an IDEA sirji……what to do yanni! come on, believe once! Why so much pain in making it right? Try taking it right, it’s easy!
3. I do all the Wrong Things in the Right Way...:)
That’s why you have a barren shining head…….Do right things NOW… may see ‘fresh cultivation’ !!
4. Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
keep the door OPEN this time; else, once just pretend sh***ing & as the door knocked, grab the lady luck
5. You can be HOT or COLD to me, spare me LUKEWARM!!!!
Be specific, hot or cold? Else you’ll get lukewarm only
6. "Religion is the most malevolent of all mind viruses"
Marx says it opium, you mean it doesn’t give ‘high’ these days?
7. "The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied."
Are you sure desires are satisfied? We still find all diligents around Ramada parking!
8. Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who
mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind!
No comment, she is staring me with beautiful eyes…
9. " Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment"
What an Intelligent quote……!
10. One More Meaningless Post..... One More Useless Point
Ka Pukhtoon Ye...........No Dalta DaNgg Warka
phir bhi.. Lage Raho Munna Bhai (Eng : first you translate what you wrote in Pushto)
11. Now.... Would you like fries with that?
Only fries? Where is Vodka?
12. ILUL truelalalalalala
Pagla Deewanaa (Eng : Romeo Pilot)
13. ILYM truelalalalalala:)
Dil to Paagal hai (Eng : My heart will go on….(song)
14. "Don't underestimate me boy
I'll make you sorry you were born"
Child is the father of the man
15. Mood Subject To Change Without Notice
‘Mood’ ne banaya marji ka malik (Eng: it’s mood or Doha climate?)
16. When you can accomplish anything you put your mind to, it’s time to follow your heart.
Except Gals, mean machines & moollah
17. 'You must find the way!, I've found it. You must find it too...'
what’s the way bytheway?
18. The best things in life can be found in simple things
Do it simple, silly (borrowed quote)
19. What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us
Really ?? size does matter?? should remember the milky bar kids adverts from the 70/80's..:)
ROFL brit
Thanks :/
This is a strange one, because it can mean different things to different people..
To some , it means: Don't dwell on the past, move forward and onward. Life is for living.
For others: Don't let the sagging puppies get you down. there's always plastic sugery to rejuvinate you..
brit, I don't understand my tagline. Could you explain it to me?
MBK says "The Milky Bars Are On Me"...
You try getting one from him :O(
u have excluded mine also, i think u are obsessed with some taglines ?? hahahhaha
thnks PreZ
OoO : sorry dude, it was conceived before your conception (I mean your ID)
brit : it seems it's case of 'wishes' than following something and then making it their tagline/signature line
The question is ..
Do people actually undrstand the tag lines they use ?
If you mean 'signatures'by 'taglines'why was mine excluded.
for someone to make this post. Good work Painther!
jackmohan is very good organiser who never get noticed!
MBK...I will not say much but suffice to say a group cannot create trouble to anyone of its own.
And Jack and Rishi are hail and hearty...will be meeting them one of these days...should I convey your inquiries to them...:)
all the taglines are good
sorry to disappoint you, there is no more bald engineers around :)
khattak is in "somewhere else" mode ***
U mean our frenchie Taklu? Na, one more on this thread ;)
Alter...heard that he is no more bald :P
painther... No. The movie name was Masterjee :( remind me of the lovely song, "Surmayee AkhiyoN maiN" :D
I don't know, why i've the feeling of another Bald Engineer around on this thread.
khattak LOl'ing on your plight.I bet you mean sridevi of 'Tohfa' movie.....who's shaktikapoor btw?
MBK...closed chapters are closed, isn't it? All should Move On.
*Head Scratching Mode ON*
Happy err that is a good question that even I dont know the answer, Let me say any group that gets you in trouble is an unauthorised group in my eyes..!
Where is Jackmohan and Rishi now a days?
painther....Masterjee was Jitendra (refer to 80s Bollywood Movie), not me :(
...ROFL khattak....sorry ...I'm not from bannu (or around) you LOL...:)-
I will try to take right decision this time :)
Enjoyed and LOOL'ed :) I sent the same to him...:)
nice one
wonder, if MOD will click on "Del", letting other craps running on Main.
Painther...check you PM that I just sent you to ask...Why is your PM Service barred? :P
khattak = masterji
A mistake is something that doesn't make you learn.
my PM service is barred (by Mods with my request)....;
No incoming-no outgoing!!!
PS: now don;t send me PM for that? LOL
Tinker we all learn from our mistakes..
I have made so many that I cannot learn any more!..:)
painther... looks like I have to PM you before I post something... we are under too mcuh observation these days... Are we on our way out of QL????...:(((
MBK...who is authority to declare a social group as authorised???
painther...I may become part of the Elite by then :P are already on "Dharna" in your signature (animation).
Before it goes down...let me say "lol"...good one...:)
khattak....sadist :)-...salt on my wounds....I'll see you (let me graduate to Mods then...)
Tinker it is always on a Thursday that you start and finish on a Saturday.
I mean drinking! make mine a JD & coke!
As long as you stay away from unauthorised social groups you will not get in trouble!
Come On, painther!!! If it could happen to your OBL can happen to this one as well :P
Khattak..Mod??? for this even???????????? come on?? be positive!!!!
Ohh you mean...Mods' reaction?... mods are sending me garlands...think positive...:)-
ROTFLing.....Man, you are a HIT. TFS, we need such threads on a weekend.
PS: Should I start the countdown for MOD's Action? :P
Tinkerbell is it because of PMS? the mood swings?