
In a church people used to confess their sins to the priest. Majority of the sins are immoral relations, frustrated by the explanations the priest put an idea to the public whoever did immoral relations, use a code “ I fall”, I will understand what you did.
Public are happy, they started using the code while confessing, in the mean time the priest transferred to another location and a new priest took incharge. The public used the same code to the new priest while confessing their sin. Frustrated by greater number of “fall” by the public and not knowing the actual meaning the priest visited the city mayor and complained about the gutter on roads which the people used to fall in it and requested the mayor to repair it.
The Mayor also a member of the same parish, understood that, the priest is unaware of the code and actual meaning and he started laughing.
Irritated priest shouted to the Mayor
“Don’t laugh. Your wife fall six times.”
respect other religions.
This is insensitive to Catholics. I think the Pope and some of his followers need to attack some embassies.
I fall
Nice joke..... I like it.
VKM - It's a nice one of course... but
When the sun shines, it blinds the owl !
Who is to be blamed ????
nice one.. very funny!!
Lol, early in the morning?
lols .. early morning confession :P