The Cab Driver Goes to Heaven

A cab driver reaches the Pearly Gates and announces his presence to St. Peter, who looks him up in his Big Book. Upon reading the entry for the cabbie, St. Peter invites him to pick up a silk robe and a golden staff and to proceed into Heaven.
A preacher is next in line behind the cabby and has been watching these proceedings with interest. He announces himself to St. Peter. Upon scanning the preacher's entry in the Big Book, St. Peter furrows his brow and says, "Okay, we'll let you in, but take that cloth robe and wooden staff."
The preacher is astonished and replies, "But I am a man of the cloth. You gave that cab driver a gold staff and a silk robe. Surely I rate higher than a cabbie."
St. Peter responded matter-of-factly: "This is heaven and up here, we are interested in results. When you preached, people slept. When the cabbie drove his taxi, people prayed."
aww, schucks labda thanks, sweet of you... now dont go all mushy now, have a nice day at work? hahaha, i mean go get 'em girl!!
Aaaaaah, mjamille my necessary daily dose of sunshine!!! I'm good, busy day ahead, so have yourself a fine time on QL! Will try catching up with you before the day's out.
------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------
hey hey hey labda, morning!!! how are you today girl?
or camry!
Quality dude! Quality!
Mornin' mjamille!!! :) :) :)
Hey brutus! So did you get tickets for Oktoberfest???
Nice joke
------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------
huh... funny
lol funny... you're probably right brutus, must've been a land cruiser or an armada...seen lots of them this morning trying their best to avoid traffic by zooming on the rough
Hhmmm...... The cabbie must have been driving a LandCruiser then..
Cheers All
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.