When I am born, I am black
When I grow up, I am black
When I go in Sun, I am black
When I am scared, I am black
When I am sick, I am black
And when I die, I am still black
And you white fellow
When you are born, you are pink
When you grow up, you are white
When you go in sun, you are red
When you have cold, you are blue
When you are scared, you are yellow
When you are sick, you are green
And when you die, you are gray
And you calling me colored??
Yeah Yeah What happend to Michael Jackson? The moron became white after hundred Plastic Surgeries.....
that was the stupidest thing i have ever read
I am an Asian too,
When I was born , I was Pink
When I have grown up I am Wheatish (still wheatish!!!)
and horrible..
When I had been exposed to Chlorine last week;
I turned Blue;
Now I am Wheatish again....
So...You can really call me coloured..khi khi khi...Who cares?
Though this poem is really a good one (It was awarded Best Poem of 2005)....Really can't understand why such topics are coming on QL again & again..
You guys better listen to "Imagine" song of John Lennon.
and I did post this same post/topic sometime May but I changed the word "black" to "brown" to make it aptly describe the race I belong to...cheers!
Here's the link for those interested to read it:
it's very amusingly written by whoever wrote it. Love it!
Ask any Asians, If they consider themselves COLORED?
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds..
ANYONE colored... None of us are transparent, so we are all colored, to be absolutely truthful..
There was already one same b4.