Thak yewww for yor sweet advice.., yeah im loukn for my kindaa gurl..but I guess its hard to find out hear..N in home country i cldnot get enough tyme to spend wid ma family..
i should be careful deepb...............cos he sis aunty..i dont know wat will he call me..for ur kind info i am small kid ssssssssssh........keep this as a secret
If you take the advise of these women... make sure you go in for the short term investment... i did the long term and now im forever gonna pay premiums ;-)
i tooo belive tat sammie..better..look out for a girl for u..thn/./....u wont feel bored as someone is thr to think abt u..feel abt for u...its for her..Inshaullah u will get a good girl.. and if u get one..dont forget our help and tips so revel abt tat gal here ok...
If we do everything anything around us also..still whn we sit back alone..tats the time..we feel..being really..a big..Boredom..but my case i am blessed cos i have my family here atleast i have my bro to fight with
Be creative with your free time, as you have no ties that bind you in a relationship. just a thought: Personal hygine goes a long way in public. Shower, brush teeth, shave, comb hair. all of these will help in your quest rid yourself of this boredon.
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its good but i think yo dont get descent parking slots ova
I m single ready to mingle.....ONe n only
with gurls...
Thak yewww for yor sweet advice.., yeah im loukn for my kindaa gurl..but I guess its hard to find out hear..N in home country i cldnot get enough tyme to spend wid ma family..
bachi is ok..with me...
i should be careful deepb...............cos he sis aunty..i dont know wat will he call me..for ur kind info i am small kid ssssssssssh........keep this as a secret
Behenji ok for you afrin? or bachi if your much smaller kid :P
Yes jee, you are older than me. If you want more respect, I can call you aunty also :P
respect?? my goodness, now i really feel much older to
Jee is out of respect :P Just like I call rizks uncle. Ramada parking being discussed is here for scooters only, so I suggest you avoid it :)
I think the Ramada parking one is the BEST one for him for NOW ;-)
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
the only common thing he said was "one", but we dunno if it's some one, good one or which one??? ;-)
1st you say find-out "someone" and then you say find "good one"... make up your mind "which one" he needs to find, don't confuse him ;-)
what did he(Radiant) just say?? pity for u DBI..i m sure ur wife wld have been thinking the same for u as
The best find-out someone. Don't go after time wasters....spend your time to find good one & u will find her. I m sure...........good luck
I bet rizks has "vasta" and can arrange for "extra" parking slots ;-)
it seems like a bad debt now ;-)
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
What do I do if I have a motor cycle... ;-)
deep, stop calling me JEE makes me feel as if i m the oldest one here..hahaaa
now tell me where did i say about SCOOTER?? man, u r getting out of my nerves
DBICE, u seems to be a troubled man after ur long term investment
They can await their turn or go for self servicing until they get a parking slot... lmao!
rizk, u have loads of idea abt parking slot?? lol..i m really gonna to inform ur BELLA..hhaaaa
That is the best advise... after short term investments in different opportunities, let him then decide to bite the dust for real! ;-)
Soniya jee, why are you interested in scooter parking?
..then some scooters will have to park themselves.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
eeeihh..ok..i will..
Why don't we all go to the Ramada parking lot on THUR night and see the quality of the parking slots? :-P
no Asian ladies allowed
EXCLUSIVELY booked, Reserved and SEALED by Chinese only....:)
DBICE..short term??, u guys will never change..
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
FU, don't worry..since u stay nearby my area-i will ask u and my husband to take me
If you take the advise of these women... make sure you go in for the short term investment... i did the long term and now im forever gonna pay premiums ;-)
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
lol afrinabubblegum.....:)
not always dear, its just when i dont get parking anywere i think about Ramada parking....:)
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
Do you last for a few hours or those few minutes seem like hours? :-))
i think i shld also check the ramada parking after its being hyped so much by
Always thinking abt Ramada parking.....
Full protections... Yani don’t forget your helmet ………..
i tooo belive tat sammie..better..look out for a girl for u..thn/./....u wont feel bored as someone is thr to think abt u..feel abt for u...its for her..Inshaullah u will get a good girl.. and if u get one..dont forget our help and tips so revel abt tat gal here ok...
No long term parking and no reserved spaces. First come, first served.
deepb, but i nowhere mentioned about the PARKING
I just told the author of this post to look someone for himself..
lol deepb...
tat parking lot is pay
You can park for few hrs ONLY.
soniya jee, that parking is not for permanent use. You are confused I think.
Best way to start looking out GAL/WIFE for u..
Sammie make sure u go there in full protections...:)
Rizks... then why dont you give nice tips to sammiee when/where and how to mingle at ramada park .
See rizks uncle is another expert :P
Ahem Ahem wots this Ramada Parking Talks goin here ?
By the way, i am a very old visitor of this parking slot since the birth of Ramada.....:)
lol, I have no interest in trying :P I'm a very decent boy :)
well naoooow "m ready to mingle...ne1 is single here ?? lolz
...and wrap it up with the cover while riding. Otherwise it might break down after two or three parkings in different slots.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
Is that where the SCOOTER CLUB meets.
m gonna try dis lol
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
I'm at Ramada parking... nothing here! :-P
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
Ok, not Russian, eastern European make then?
Mt scooter is rusted.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
Lol, ok sonaam babu is expert and gave answer before I asked :P
Scooter? Chinese make or Russian Make Parking?
lol FU ;) better say made in china parking slot ;)
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
FU what you get in Ramada Parking ? :O
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
Good advise from Sandman..
enjoy being sinngle, just mingle but first take the advise of sandman... hehehe
i love to work, i watch lot of movies, hear music do lot of workouts...but stil at the end of the day i feel m single..
i love to work, i watch lot of movies, hear music do lot of workouts...but stil at the end of the day i feel m single..
If we do everything anything around us also..still whn we sit back alone..tats the time..we feel..being really..a big..Boredom..but my case i am blessed cos i have my family here atleast i have my bro to fight with
Be creative with your free time, as you have no ties that bind you in a relationship. just a thought: Personal hygine goes a long way in public. Shower, brush teeth, shave, comb hair. all of these will help in your quest rid yourself of this boredon.
not same words, but same thought..
the single and mingle thing.. hahaha
~Welcome Sunshine~
"Malay ko sa'yo!."
Visper are u sure the same comments u hav read before ?
tat married comment just came to my mind today only...:)
and read same comment from Rizks so many times.. hahaha
~Welcome Sunshine~
"Malay ko sa'yo!."
Being Single u can Mingle with may galz.
Being Married u can mingle with ur partner only.