'Batman' brings in suspect to Bradford police

By landloverreview •
A man dressed as the caped crusader Batman has handed over a wanted man at a Bradford police station before disappearing into the night.
Police said the costumed crime-fighter marched the 27-year-old man into Trafalgar House Police Station in the early hours of 25 February.
The man was charged with handling stolen goods and fraud offences.
Police said: "The person who brought the man in was dressed in a full Batman outfit. His identity remains unknown."
The suspect will appear before Bradford magistrates on Friday, police said.
Batman Bradford.
Does Batman have a surname? I mean how can you tell which is the real one?
thks britexpat. didn't know that. you are right.
To avoid being recognized by the fugitive's criminal cronies out for revenge! A brave act worth accolades no doubt.
Anyone can make a "Citizen's arrest". However, i agree that it can be risky.
pure selfless service on the Batman's part ..
does a normal citizen has the right to "arrest" another civilian and bring him to the police? isn't he putting his life at risk? playing hero is always a bad idea. one should call 999 and not tackle the matter personaly.
it was a left hand job for the batman ..
LLR, LOL only me :D
Lol u all (:
Brit..a new conspiracy theory...
Oh!.... Now I know batman reside in Gotham Bradford...!...To the rescue!...up...up...in away!...
This can't be Blighty. Plod would have arrested Batman instead.
oh they came to know it was me :(