Barbara's Pie - Strange Story

Barbara's Pie - Strange Story
Barbara, during her nurse's training at a hospital just outside Washington, DC, had little money for meals, so she often resorted to the food provided at the hospital refectory, even though she had a great dislike for its rather bland taste.
Barbara often took her breaks in the kitchen, and sometimes kindly visitors would give her some of the treats they had brought for patients who had not wanted to eat them.
On one particular evening an English woman, from the East end of London, brought a home made pie to the kitchen and said to Barbara, 'Would you eat this up, love?'
Barbara and her student friend devoured every last delicious crumb.
Soon their benefactor returned, however, and asked, 'Is me 'usband's pie 'ot yet, dearie?'
I watched it standing on its hind legs and trotting for about three hours this morning. It was only then that i realised it was a "one trick pony" :O(
Brit ur lucky you got a pony I was finking about offering you an Ayrton Senner for dat old banger..:)
Better a pony to ride on - you may have had to use your Mystic Megs :-0
Those magic wands would'nt give a kate moss about it..:)
you miss her jeez buy blackberry then
MBK called me and offered me a Pony for my KIA. I accepted and now wish that I'd asked for cash :O(
I wonder if they would have eaten the pie if it had been eel pie or jellied eels and mash. Yukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk (I feel like I need to Wallace and Gromit now)
I miss SamyaUk the gal from Chelsea, she is the only dolly bird who could understand me slang when I am in full flow, or God bless Snessy too. can have a nice rabbit and pork with her too..:)
If yer say so my Treacle Tart..:)
I wanna make this Loud and clear I aint Antiseptic.
Now you are being Daff-A-Down Dilly lol
Cabbage all we nid now is someone in almond rocks. innit.. or would that be TB..:)
You should have asked him for that Ayrton Sennah he owes you :-)
Saw Rizks on the Dog and Bone with another Stella.I couldn’t Adam and Eve it, so I hid behind my weasel and Stoat :O(
Well if yeah aint from East London you aint gonna get the joke, know wat I meen like, init!..:)Its just the cockney accent me old china plates..:)
I will go to the foot of me apples and pears :-)That trouble and strife were 'aving a laff innit?
Would you Adam and Eve it :O)
wat is this ? :(
What is the meaning???