Aqua park doha

24/9/2010 this was the first day for aqua park in doha. I go there with my family and our friends. The distance was good it's half an hour from down town if u take salwa road
Ther is no turnes u will just take it straight until u'll c the name of aqua park on ur right side. It was too much crowded when we arraive but just we get in it was good the place is new and full of water every where we start plaing directly there were about 4 adult games and one big game for kids one swimming pool with a par inside and jacuzi area and waterfall. The other pool is very exciting they made it with water waves so u feel like ur in a real see. We have fun the hole day until we get tired we went to take some hot dog sandwiches then we go as they close the doors at 10 pm. Acully i have too much fun ther and i will go there again soon. Every one should go and try u will like it also ;) bye.
hahahahahaha ohh God i loveee your comment
he had posted it as he was asked to write some essay in his primary school! "Write an essay about your one day trip in not more than 250 words"
smell?? ok hygenic ppl stay away.. fun loving ppl enjoy!!!
smell will definitely be bad, considering the situation
smell will definitely be bad, considering the situation
how about the smell of the water while swimming? knowing that lot of people there..
lol Arien, I don't wanna get sunburned.. I am tan enough thank you very much...:P
MJ.. scratchin my head.. Grrrr while you in the water the sun wont reach your lovely skin lol
dont say sun again. i will drag u there tomrrow noon and throw you to the water lol
Arien, it's the sun I'm worried about... :P
ya MJ .. thats why i said , when its hot and humid, you got be in teh water /pool/rides...always
Arien, it's not the water I'm worried about in the day time...
MJ .. water is temp/controlled.. so jump in and you will be fine :)
Thank you whytenight. Let me try this weekend.
sag drive straight down salwa road towards industrial area till eternity :P
Take Exit 29, next to the US base.
night swimming works best for me.. :P
where's it exactly?
and stay for at least 3 hours.That's what I was told about.
Rizks that is one reason the other is that I can't grasp the idea that there is a place in Qatar where you can actually have fun. for that I have to go to Dubai. :)
I noticed it was an open area, there's no way I'm swimming there in this heat.. :P
Why UKeng ?
Scared tat u will loose ur newely grown hairs on ur head ? :)
UkEng junior was there with his friends I hear he had lots of fun. I am not going there any sooner!
he had so much fun in aquapark and accidentally posted his happiness in the Funnies section :)
too hot to go swimming.. :(
in FUNNIES>...??? :( :( :(...... Y Y Y ?
lol Khanan...
i thought he was tellin us a joke ? :)
100/head is confirmed news... people exaggerating :(
fun that why in funnies ;)
Thanks for the info!
and this is posted in funnies ? :(
wat a joke ?