Anyone Interested?

Found this ad in the classified :P
Greeting Mis/mis;
I'm a young man from morocco, I'm delivering this ad may be some of you wanna this or interested; I'm new in qatar and I'm looking for a partner female that will be my girlfriend in the future we can duscuss first and have some meeting to change ideas then she can decide about our relation, if any girl interest of this idea you can contact me by my email; tazizawt/-a-t-/;
Read more:
Always there to lend a helping hand Learner :P
Smoke helped him in getting more emails, :)
Mrs & Miss are called for SHE and not HE ! :(
but he only stated She no He..:(
UkEng, i think he meant Mrs Or Miss ! :)
(Anyone will do).....:)
whats with the Greeting Mis/mis, is that Miss in French?
rizks thats true... but i wont be.. coz can't afford one more...
Your highness;
too bad there is no like in QL ,
but wait a minute, who wouldn't :P
hehehee, nice to be read, pathetic to be written
If the same was posted by a girl, m sure you would have not posted this thread and instead will be busy sending PM's to her.....:)
dah only if he had described his mustache or beard status kareena wld have made a quick decision :/
not even arrange love...first arrange girlfriend then exchange ideas then they will decide about their "relation"
Nope he not kidding at all,,, it's like an arrange marriage! Arrange love!!!
DEAR GIRLS, I m Available always also.
send your number in INBOX :D
ok... but why in funnies??? is he kidding??
Only a pervert will post these kind of stuff :P..Anyway thank god it is in funnies..And let me go to TGI now :P
now who is having a serious dicussion here ? raise their one hand and one leg up and leave the room quitely ? :(
Guys this is posted in funnies...not looking for a serious discussion here.
End of the day QL is not a dating site.
Let the poor guy try his luck...maybe fate might on his side after all
There is nothing wrong in dating online.. This is the 21st century.. You no longer meet your dream woman or man at a friend or relative's wedding..
yes Guilt....he probabaly is busy now contacting him... :)
zafirah, LOL
I am sure it is posted by one of the perverts of QL.
You guys are too much, the man is asking a reasonable question!
maybe Khanan is already in contact with him... :-)
but will he understand blah blah blah language ? :(
No all i read was blah blah..blah blah..oh i should email him..blah blah :P
you blind cat, didnt u read my second sentence above ?
I'm sure you already emailed him rizks :P
i didnt find anything odd in his approach !
Obvioulsy a guy will approach a gal and not with the same gender....:(