26Jan* Picture of The Day "Sleeping baby!"

"Sleep, baby, sleep,
Our cottage vale is deep:
The little lamb is on the green,
With woolly fleece so soft and clean --
Sleep, baby, sleep.
Sleep, baby, sleep,
Down where the woodbines creep;
Be always like the lamb so mild,
A kind, and sweet, and gentle child.
Sleep, baby, sleep."
Mother Goose Lullaby
Written By: Unknown
Copyright Unknown :)
hmmm...wrong finger? ...
but, the second one managed better the pic, he's quite kinky with THE finger:D
but then I promised you not to eat and harvest garlic too, right??? Don't worry...I always lived by my promise...No Garlic-Noisy-Yellow-Worm...hehehehhe...=)
Mitzzyy Mitz '09
garlic-noisy-yellowish-worm cheaterrrrr
tomorrow...they will be dead...i promise...=)
***crossing my fingers at the back...;)
Mitzzyy Mitz '09
one yellow-noisy worm eaten
two yellow-noisy worms eaten
three yellow-noisy worms eaten
87678427567 yellow-noisy worms eaten
Dontcha think somthin' it's wrong with this worm? :P
see the green apple ate it...be patient it will take time for the green apple to eat all those yellow worm...=)
Mitzzyy Mitz '09
lol, good one.
too tired to go to bed.
your yellow-worm is too noisy!
wish granted...I am humming a lullaby here for you....hmmm...hmmm...hmmm...=)
Mitzzyy Mitz '09
shhh...lemme sleep!
the man sleeping in his porto cabin feels good??? =)
Mitzzyy Mitz '09
" i feel good!" ....
"Sleep, baby, sleep,
Down where the woodbines creep;
Be always like the lamb so mild" :)
I really find it funny...hahahahaha...as in...WTH is he doing on that cubicle...too thirsty???***LOLzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Mitzzyy Mitz '09
Brit, sorry but it seems that Drac managed to get hold of one the pics.
No problem, we have all been there before, but maybe not in such close proximity.
BTW, I'd like to know if those 'phones are linked to a landline or are they wireless?
'Nearer thy God to thee'...
c'mon, salax...spare at least one!
Pleaseeeeee :P
good movies, flicker :)
keep posting...you need more!
Again, thanks rnnn!
Let us keep QL a funny and user-friendly site!
Damn you! I thought all those pics had been destroyed. Yes, it was me, after getting the elbow from Tzipi.... She didn't want to "Livni" with me :(
I spent the night calling out to my good friend "Ralphhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
:) Alcohol is the cause and the solution to many of life's problems ..:):)
Better do not insult or attack anyone on QatarLiving site!
Edit please your posts!
? nnnr... niaga emoc
don't try this at home, QL kids! :)
Is that Brit Ex in the first pic? If so he must have been trying to drown his sorrows after losing the loves of his life, the shotputter and Typzi...(or is that Tipsy?)
I think the pic was taken in the gents in the first floor Ramada bar, but I can't be certain. The urinals look familiar but I've never had such a close-up view of them myself...
missed Palinca in winter time...found smthg "easier" at QD-Grappa(like tzuica)...not bad for Yoga,hehehe ;-)
BINGO-BINGO Mrs. Mata Hari!
The prize: 1 bottle of Palinca! :)
could be Yoga, new positions, huh? For the deepest meditation ever;-)
again : BINGO for salax's grey cells! :)
nice one dude :)
it must be a 100% pure sake in the plastic cup though
good imagination, salax :)
That greedy bugger didn't saved some me Scotch, look what happened to him!
I think he's talking to Ralph... as in Raaallllppphhh... hick... Raaalllppphhhh!!!!
sleep dracula sleep
go inside deep with creep
because its not cheap
U'll never weep
sleep dracula sleep
known writer unknown copyrights