The Hatred Continues ...!
There is a very old proverb we get to hear many times: Time heals all wounds.
This proverb has failed to prove itself over what has taken place over the last three weeks between me and a QLer. I got to realize this yesterday.
It was this person writing under the name of **** who posted an item at Qatar Living just before the advent of Ramadan. It was posted under the title “Indirect begging hitting peak during Ramadan”. In his initial post he simply spewed out his hatred towards one nation but lacked the courage to name the nation openly. However, all indications in his post clearly pointed towards one country – Pakistan. In short, in his post, he indicated Pakistanis were beggars. He continued projecting Pakistanis as beggars in the same light in his next comment.
I wrote my comments on this post. There were comments by other QLers also. (The post has since been deleted by the Moderators and I really appreciated that). But the matter just did not end there.
Yesterday, I was surprised to find a message in my PM from this very person. He gave his name as Bilal and stated he was from Bangladesh. The 9-line message from this person was abusive, very abusive. He wrote about the atrocities committed by Pakistanis in 1972 (HA! HA! HA! HA!). It was funny he did not know about his own history but just jumped to write his “dirty” message to me. Since he does not know his own history, he also does not know of all the things the rag-tag, untrained, trigger-happy so-called freedom fighters known as “Mukti Bahini “did to the unharmed Biharis in the then East Pakistan. The mass graves of Biharis were presented to the world later on to see as atrocities of the Pakistani Army. Dead people don’t tell tales, do they?
Even after 47 years, wounds have not healed.
He did not end there.
He ended his message with a THREAT to me! It was not the usual type of threat we get to read some times at QL. The e-x-a-c-t words in his message were: “we bangladheshis (written in low caps) are good in “Kaala Jadoo” (I could not use the English word for Kaala Jadoo which is bl**k ma**c that was in the message as the system will block this post from appearing) and I will see to it that your life gets destroyed by meting my uncle who can do such a thing.”
Ha! Ha! It takes all sorts of people to make up this world, doesn’t it?
(I have now begun sleeping under my bed hoping the “Kaala Jadoo” of Bangladesh will not be able to make it there!)