Why there has to be more and more Indian scho
Out of total population in Doha only 38% are Indians and out of which only 16% only stay with family. Both the MES and Ideal Indian schools stopped enrolling Pakistanis, Sudanese, Somalis and Arab countries children. For Kinder garden they accept every one..?? I am opening this forum to know ….is …some thing wrong with the quality… or the society members earn good amount of easy money??
MES does not accept Pakistani students anymore unless they have siblings who are already studying at MES...
Both MES and Ideal Indian schools were established to benefit the expatriate community at large but the indian expatriate community in particular. And understandably so because they were both established by Indian nationals, both enjoy the patronage of the Indian Embassy and both of them are aligned to the Indian curriculum.
Both schools have undertaken ambitious efforts to increase their capacity but the fact remains that demand far outstrips supply. That being the case, it is only fair that they should decline admission to students of other naitonalities, be it Sudanese, Pakistani, American or French because their foremost priority is to benefit the Indian Community. It would be unfair if a student of another nationality is given admission over an Indian student in an Indian school.
Besides, there are other Indian schools which offer admission regardless of nationality... why not try in one of those other schools... try Noble Indian School, or DPS or MIS... there are so many of them!
By the way, don't feel too bad about it, I am Indian and my two year old son was denied admission in a play school because of his nationality... I thought to myself, if they 'think' that he is not good enough for them, there is no way I want my son to study there... because the fact is that THEY are not good enough for him!
123haroon...MES accepts Pakistani kids although the name is MES "Indian" School...though I am not sure about Sudanese and Somalis.
I am 100% sure.
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