i would like to bring some injsidence which is going from many depts. of MOI, lot of empoyers work from many nationalties, but some dept. provide the nessasary Grade allownece and salary scale according to thier proffetions, but most of the dept. its left out with improper scale, allowence and grades, it can be observed that the HR of the Dpt, have not shown and take any interests in in which the employers are suffering from the Injustice.it could be also noticed that the Employes are terminated without any notice any time, but there are rules for any Offciers what ever injustice and harressments they do for the emplyes since they are Qataries, more over they use empluers as per thier choice which is out of the rule and personal works too,any officers are not trasfered or have a retierment for years, since the employers are helpless and to secure their jon could not even complin about it as they know well the MOI is not aware of it and its under the Qatari officers, the justice should be equal when all work for the Govt, and this matter should be taken serious and consider it as important part in every dept In the MOI,
Being frustrated won't help in any way ............. if you 'r not happy here plan to leave for better employers in Europe ............. ...................... Thu, 16.10.2014 , 08.090 hrs