why mother in laws are horrible in comparison

By crazynoddy •
with father in laws as they are very cool dealing with their DILs and SILs????
why is it so???
why MILs are a pain for DILs and SILs??
expecting replies from MILs n to be MILs.
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Theres been a few post regarding mother in laws recently...is it mother in law week or something?
i guess not, Amoud.... :)
Does anyone ever have an original idea around here?
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
another case of generalizing.... geez....
Theres another similar topic about this. I guess as a mother, its probably a bit hard to let go, and no one is good enough for the your child.
Simple.......cos they are MOTHERS