Why is DESS 'better' than other schools?

I don't want this to be an advert for DESS, but I genuinely would like to hear from parents that have moved their child(ren) from one school in Doha to DESS.
Are you happy with your decision?
Does DESS live up to its reputation?
Why is it a better school in your opinion?
We are in a lucky situation that we have confirmed offers for both of our children at a school in Doha, but we have just heard from DESS that they have a space for our older child and that the younger will go on sibling priority wait list. Now we are in a quandary of what to do....
Thanks for any feedback.
Logistically it is going to be almost impossible to get both children to different schools on time and to pick them up. They are both going to be new to Doha and new to the schools so that makes me anxious enough without putting negotiating traffic into the equation :) Also, I wouldn't feel comfortable letting one of them go with a driver who would be a stranger.
Going to take DESS and hope for the best. I'm sure that over the long summer waiting lists will move around a bit. If not, I shall have to look at homeschooling (eek!) or a tutorial centre for my child still on the wait list.
But yes, I am very lucky to have been offered places at more than one school in Doha and for that I am very thankful.
YOu don't have to give up 2 seats . Just have to put the other one in the current school & wait till there's available seats. YOu are lucky to get a place in DESS before arriving here . There are people waited for 2 years before they are offered a seat. Just that you will need to shuffle between 2 schools everyday for the time being.
Are you kidding? Say yes and take the seats in DESS. It is by far the BEST schools in Doha. Do not hesitate.
Quick summary, but you'd do well just to do a search on QL. There are a lot of comments about DESS.
1. Sponsorship with the British Embassy--gives clout and helps to ensure standards
2. One of only a handful of truly English curriculum schools
3. Just for primary, which means focus is on younger kids
4. All teachers have teaching qualifications from England
5. Older school which means good facilities and large playing fields, etc.
6. Reputation means that parents work hard to find places for their children (i.e. not a holding facility until other places open up) and parents are committed to the school
Having said that, DESS is not perfect and there are a number of other good schools in Doha. Where you are in the city will matter, as morning traffic is horrendous.
We aren't living in Doha yet, but do have a confirmed offer at a different school to DESS, which is why I am asking about why DESS has such a good reputation, as I would be giving up 2 confirmed places for 1 confirmed place and a sibling on the waiting list for DESS.
It's the best Brit school available here. Would prob take it unless you are very happy with the current school. BY the way, which school are your kids enrolled in now. Set back is you need to shuffle between 2 schools everyday until the younger one gets a place.
You would be mad not to take the place - it is by far the best British primary school - and you get a much easier entry ( virtually guarenteed) into Doha College for seconrdary