Which Visa is better for my wife?

By sunilalapatt •
Can anyone plz tel me, which visa is better for my wife?
She got a job here and they can provide visa. But i'm bit confused. So tel me which visa is better, under my sponsorship or her company sponsorship?
rizks is right.. sponsorship change to the company is required for males..females can work under their father/husband sponsorship.
if your wife under your sponsorship(father or husband) she can work legally with any company.rule isapproval from labor department and make labor contract, department will issue a additional ID with the company details, no need to change sponsorship.
better to keep in you sponsorship(flexible).
Best Regards
take the risk sponcer your wife lets just hope in the end the company wont take the sponcership
Under your sponsorship she can be a free bird. There is no rule for married woman must be worked with company sponsorship provided her husband should be here.
If you are able to sponsor your wife then that is the best option !!!!
there is also consequence for that, if ever your visa is cancelled, your wife visa will also be cancelled since she is under your sponsorhip. Also, your wife cannot have the benefits of the company. correct me if im wrong.
nope that's not Qatar maybe in other country it's allowed but here never which is a bad thing,,
But sunni i tell you if you sponcer your wife ok but in the end they will transfer their sponcer to the company
Yes she can, why not ?
If she is under the companys sponsor, she need to stick to tat company until her contract is not over...
but if she is under her husbands sponsor, she is like a free bird ! :)
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I hope you do only Right Thing , here.
so if his wife want to live the country and company even after finishing contract her wife can leave the company? not right,, the company has the right to take the sponcership
the one with a make up :) owise as our bald friend suggested under hubby sponsorship
thwho its only for the Males !
here in Qatar they want their emplyee under their contract!! ok Suni listen to them and if money is not an issue let your wife sponcer by you
She can work under your sponsorship. It is not mandatory that employees working under their firm should be under their sponsorship only, unless they insist.
thwho, sunil is talking about his wife not his children !
sunil, if your wife is under your sponsorhip she can work anywhere she likes without changing the sponsorship.
There are few companies ONLY who ask to change, but dont do unless tat company is well established organisation !
yep correct, it's in the law,, my father sponcer me here as a visit visa, then I start to apply for a job when I was hired the company transfer my father sponcership to the company
Thwho186 , so is it mandatory to the company that employees working under their firm shuld be under their sponsorship? She can't work under my sponsorship?
its like this if you sponcer your wife, and she will start to work, the company will transfer the sponcership to them, so their is no sense for you to sponcer your wife cause in the end the company will sponcer your wife,, get it?
"under your sponsorship" always better !