Visit Visa extension beyond six months for pregnant ladies
By [email protected] •
Hi I need a favor from you guys. Actually my wife is pregnant and she is on 3 rd week and her visit visa expires on end of May 2016. As you guys aware that pregnant ladies riding on first trimester shouldn't carry flight travel. Kindly advice me to extend her visa for at least 4 months
Come on .. The travel rstriction is only after the 7th month....
Let her travel and bring her back
Thank you for replies . I need to know the way to extend her visa for another 3 months
Won't be a problem, she is just in her 3rd month- Airlines won't accept after 7th month--- Tell her to exit & you can reapply again as soon she exits--- 3 month reentry ban is no more appicable..
From my past experience I learnt that airlines usually do not accept passengers after their 7 month of pregnancy. However, that was several years back. Suggest you check with some airlines or travel agents for latest information on this.