unfinished construction in Qatar

Yet another company has ceased to pay its employees or sub contractors.....this is starting to become the norm which has started to become a major problem with the work force.
Is Qatar becoming the worst place to work in the Gulf?
Job security is now non existent so dont even think about bringing a family here.
Some employees have moved companies 3 times in 7 months but have still not been paid by any of them ,why?
Some employees have loans/credit cards which cannot be paid as they have not been paid so they cannot leave the country,what help is there for them?
Is Qatar becoming the place not to come to if you are looking for work in the Middle East?
What do you think?
I hear Barwa have now started to pay contractors.....about time ..
they must have settled their 700 million dollar loan to investers..(arabian business.com)......its a shame so many companies and good workers have now left Qatar...too little too late...
i still prefer doha rather than dubai
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy....Martin Luther King
Well said heero_yuy2....I have not been paid since July and still looking for a company that pays on time never mind big salaries....
the Big Geordie.
out of 65 projects Barwa have undertaken not one has been completed or paid upto date on agreed valuations...............is this the same for other clients?
have your say!
Isn't the main contractor for Barwa Financial district already finalised heero..
some win some lose. Its the name of the game..
Derek Edward Trotter
We'll try to lose the bid for the Barwa Financial District as my sponsor is not willing to hire more manpower and we expect we will never be paid properly.
Do they know how hard it is to find materials and manpower locally and is asking for extra good quality to come with the winning contractor/subcontractor for a major project?
Do they know how cheap our human resources management will hire the said manpower just to get the 51 percentage the sponsor can gain in winning a major project that has problems in paying both the company and its employees?
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
this capitalism , same allover the world...:(
true Britexpat...... very true....
However, a good job offer is a good job offer! And right now I am drowning in such a dull job while becoming less employable as a damn good design manager by the day, so what can I do?
Anyway, kind of looking forward to setting up somewhere new again.. and maybe there is a touch of psuedo-masochism about it!
Anyway- you seem to be sticking around so it cant be that bad? Right????????
pete, who is the company mentioned in your post?
I think it depends on the company and the contract. Some industries have been hit harder than others.
Leaving Dubai for Doha.. You must be mad.... or madimad..
also , I do understand that certain clients like BxxxA do not pay at all even when the project is 95% complete....now there's a story for you!!
Its not all bad ,in fact it is a great place however the powers be in companies still do not understand about looking after its workforce , getting people commited to staying ,too many companies are squandering the clients cash on flash salaries and corruption and not getting the job done..........I have just heard that another 4 towers on the coniche/financial district have stopped works because the money has ran out..
A question to all Managing Directors ....Who is looking after the clients cash and budget....cause it ain't you?
Well, I am leaving Dubai to come to Doha........ still more opportunities in Doha than Dubs.
So am hoping it aint all bad?.....
God speed.....
Go with God!
I think when you have been to Dubai you wouldn't want to come back to Qatar.....2 years is enough for me....see ya!
"I'm back, simple as that"
and to others ........ and to those unsuspecting individuals!!!!
"I'm back, simple as that"
This is no place for Boys from the Blackstuff...