Turkish Language
Selam Herkese!
Bu gunler Turkce ogreniyorum ama telaffuzum hala cok kotu ve iyi konusamiyorum cunku internetten ogreniyorum. Bursada bir kurs aldim da.
eee bu yuzden praktik yapmak istiyorum. birisi bana yardim edebilir mi? mm belki 1-3 kere haftada ve ben Arapca ogretebilirim yada inglizce temel icin.
Tesekkurler = )
Hi everybody!
I'm learning Turkish these days but the problem is that I can't talk/pronounce probably because I'm mostly learning from internet. Also, I have attended a Turkish course in Bursa.
so I would like to practice the language with somebody, it can be regularly like 1-3 times a week. I can provide Arabic in return or English for beginners.
Thanks you in advance = )
Selam arkadas!
bir email gonderdim ama cevap yoktu malesef.
I would be more than happy to help you arkadasim. Send an email to [email protected]