The Triplets :(

The most heart wrenching story emerging out of yesterday tragedy at Villiagio Mall is the passing away of 2 Years old Triplets from New Zealand.
We all offer our condolences and sympathies to the grieving family.
Here is a link to the story. Reading through it, bring tears in my eyes. My heart feels bleeding.
The devastated mother of triplets who died in a Doha fire has pleaded with her parents to rush to her side.
Triplets Lillie, Jackson and Willsher Weekes, aged two, died in a fire that ripped through a childcare centre in a mall in the Qatari capital overnight, New Zealand time.
The toddlers' parents, Jane and Martin Weekes, have been living and working in Doha for several years.
Their Wellington grandparents are rushing to be at their daughter's side as the family deals with the tragedy.
Deepest condolences to the parents and family of the little Angels, the teachers and firefighters who lost their lives in this tragedy.
May their Souls Rest in Peace. Amen
May this incident be the last so no lives will be lost again..Ameen!
I met Jane Weekes at a friends house over a dinner a few years ago, that was just a few month after she had the triplets and how happy she was having the 3 babies.
They came in this world together and left altogether, may the Little Angels Rest in Peace..:(
our lives would never be the same again...every time i read the story about the lives lost, my tears just fall.. for days i read the story about the fire, and for days i can't control my tears. Was it because the place is too familiar? That no one who lives here in Doha haven't visited Villagio? or was it because I am also a mother? with kids of my own and the thought of losing them would give an unbearable pain?
such tragedy touched our lives one way or another. i just hope and pray that the victim's families find strength and consolation that the whole of Qatar is with them in their times of sorrow. My condolences and prayers to the families left behind to grieve.
Qatar is a beautiful country. Let's show the world that in good times and bad, we are one. May this incident be the last so no lives will be lost again..
MM...It is an Urdu poetry translated in English :)
You have almost mastered one idea now it remains for one to get used to your free flow English .
here......another forum
I have no words only i can say that they were little birds who flown away we just looking to their flight which is disappeared in the sky some where.............only tears in my eyes
Nguy can you 'see' the truth in 'ingen...' 's post at 5:05 PM ?
'talk' ???
But as drove nearer, I just felt my tears down my face and starting sobbing. I feel remorse like someone i loved died as well.
Its too much to bear. I was driving around Doha for an hour...just driving...and sobbing...its crazy.
my deepest condolences to the family.
I am speechless...
My heartiest condolence to lovely angels...RIP..
Forgive me 'cause I didn't go to the vigil or mess today to show support. Forgive me for being coward no to face you, 'cause I wouldn't bare the pain. Forgive me to dare to feel your pain, 'cause in truth I don't know If I'd be strong enough. Please accept my words below and I hope somehow, someday you find the peace you probably are looking for.
Death is nothing. I only spent to the other side of the road. I am me, you are you. What I did was for you, I remain. Give me the name you always gave me, talk to me as you have always done. You continue to live the world of creatures, I'm living Creator of the world. Do not use a solemn tone or sad, keep laughing what made us laugh together. Pray, smile, think of me. Pray for me. That my name is pronounced as always, without emphasis of any kind. Without any trace of shadow or sadness. Life means all what it always meant, the cord was not cut. Because I would be out their thoughts, Now I'm just out their views? I'm not far I'm just across the road ... You got it there, go ahead, life goes on, beautiful, beautiful as ever.
St. Augustine
La muerte no es nada. Yo sólo pasamos al otro lado de la carretera. Yo soy yo, tú eres tú. Lo que hice fue por ti, Me quedo. Dadme el nombre siempre se me dio, hablar conmigo como has hecho siempre. Usted sigue viviendo el mundo de las criaturas, Estoy viviendo Creador del mundo. No utilice un tono solemne o triste, mantenga riendo lo que nos hacía reír juntos. Ora, sonríe, piensa en mí. Ruega por mí. Que mi nombre se pronuncia como siempre, sin énfasis de ninguna clase. Sin ningún rastro de la sombra o la tristeza. La vida significa todo lo que siempre quiso decir, el cable no se cortó. Porque yo estaría fuera sus pensamientos, Ahora sólo estoy fuera sus puntos de vista? No estoy muy Yo sólo soy al cruzar la calle ... Ya lo tienes ahí, seguir adelante, la vida sigue, bella hermosa, como siempre.
San Agustin
I'm out of words and filled with heavy sadness and grief for this and other families in this tragedy. Impossible and unbearable.
Of course we care. I know I do at least. AlHamdulillah our hearts and minds are spacious and receptive enough to grieve for all those innocents perishing under tragic and oppressive situations. Except in some cases we cannot physically do anything for the victims while in some cases we can.
Nguy, Lets talk today about Villaggio victims! Tomorrow we will talk about Syrians.. begins at HOME, offcourse we care for Syrians too; which are beyond our controls, even beyond GCC & ME Muslim leaders controls.
I've no words to explain my feeling.. May Allah give patience to their family..
hundreds of innocent children die in Syria and other countries.. who cares?
huhuhuhuhu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-(
They were Such Cute Little Angles.....
It's really Heartbreaking to See These Little Angles going to Heavens....
Condolences to the Family & Friends of the Little Angles, May their Souls Rest in Peace. Amen... :(
Can't imagine what happen yesterday:(
Its fcking heart throbbing as i see the video from the Link abt those cute kids.dnt know hw the parents are bearing it rite now. God help them
realy really a heart breaking news, My all prayers are with the parents, may almighty gives the power to sustain the loss,
Am lost for words!..My heart goes out to all the families..I can't even imagine the pain and loss they are all feeling right now.. :(
no words.very painfull.
Saw it on the news. Cannot fathom it. Their loss is immeasurable. All I can do is remember them in my prayers.
Rest in peace little angels. I pray that your souls be with GOD in heaven right now.
Those little Martyrs....a real test time for their parents...May Allah solace their parents.
PS: Do these are the same children reported in GT today as Spanish?
It is really painful to hear those cases.
A spanish family also loses 3 of her kids in the fire blaze. Out of which one of them was my nephew's play school mate :( :( RIP..
My heart is crying, May Allah give Patience to the families to deal with this unbearable loss.
May their soul rest in peace :((( little angels
my heartfelt condolences to them. :(
That tragedy is really heartbreaking :(
May they rest in peace.
condolences to the families who lost their precious ones..
Am sick since yesterday and while reading this the heart is bleeding.. losing one kid is.... i have no word am speechless.. imagine losing 3 kids at one time.. 2 years taking care of them two year looking after them and 2 years with lovely memories .. but suddenly losing all of them ... wht i can say more?? even offering condolence is nothing as it is a deep pain .. i can only pray for allah to give them patience and to be with them .
Such a bad news it is :(
Sincere and heartfelt condolences :(
i can only weep and pray....
This is so sad :(