Tailgating 6 inches behind my Car.

By porsche168 •
At 630am this morning I was Tailgated 6 inches behind my Car by a Dutch guy driving a deep blue/purplish Jeep Nitro. I was on C-ring going towards Toyota showroom. This guy is a looney endangering mine and my family's life tailgating my SUV at 80kph, and the rest of the other lanes were clear at that time!! Not long after that he drove to the right going to the airport. He seems to be 'rough' & gangster type of person. So watch out for him....
I would slam down the breaks and make sure i make the most damage possible to his car, insurance will pay for mine, and it will be his fault anyway...
./`I don't wanna waste another day-Keepin it inside, it's killing me./`
Ameen to that Adey, thats so bloody annoying....
How do you knew him.??
DUCTH or Qatari or Kabayan or Englishman or Cowboy or Negro or...
i didnt do it!
I think weasel said how it really is. Lol.
If you go to a supermarket car park -DON'T LEAVE YOUR TROLLEYS RIGHT BEHIND MY CAR!!!! Put them in an empty bay or where there are no cars you lazy sods! The guys who take them back to the shops are not at your beck and call every second of the day.
Yesterday I crashed into not one but two trolleys left right behind my car, could not see them as they were below the level of the rear window. Villagio Mall people - you know who you are!
Not Peace to the lazy d***heads.
just had to get that off my chest'
:)....... and calm
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
couldnt have been a dutch guy... maybe a pole.
porsche168 - Relax. This isn't tailgating, it's known as 'slipstreaming'. Very common in Doha and in Formula 1 (did you know FIA accepts Qatar License as an alternative to F1 super license?)
the last time someone tailgated me we end up in the Traffic Department ... just a small accident but it just made really my day ...
I saw someone who was far dangerous than that, he kept on flashing and flashing but the poor guy needs to go left so he overtake him and then got back in front of him and stop the car like the idiot in the middle of the lane and went out of the car fighting with him ... for what? I don't know ...
Some people do it to read what posters you got on the back of your car, always happen when someone who does not know QL Ads, will advertise his car for sale fixing a small piece of paper there ...
Some will do it while drinking their cup of coffee to make sure that they would hit no one else but you ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
And how do you know if the nationality is Dutch? I cant differenciate someone nationality by looking at the car mirror. Although i can say 'caucasian', 'arabic', 'asian' looking. But no way i can say someone is Dutch / American by looking at the car's mirror.
Lol Tallg ... thats happened to me every day, morning day and night. If i write it on QL it would be my full time job :P
If everyone started a thread each time they were tail-gated by someone I think the QL servers would crash!
And how the frick did you know he was Dutch?
Lol... maybe it was his morning 'dutch courage' that made him so reckless.... he must have had breakfast with Marhabtain.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Its elementary! he was wearing the wooden clogs and chewing on a big piece of Edam. the clogs weer probably weer a little too heavy for the accelerator that's why he was tailgating..
It was the "Flying Dutchman", kids.
I just thought of this? How do you know he was Dutch? Did he have one of those flag stickers?
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
lol... perhaps he was just trying to be fuel efficient by riding in the backseat of your car.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
A great way of meeting people and getting up close and personal. What sort of sticker of you got on your bumper ?
A guy tried that with me this morning as well, and I was doing 80km. I just slowed down and wouldn't switch lanes. He seemed to enjoy that, kept flashing his lights at me. Think he was making a pass? :P
------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------