Solid School Advice

I need a school for my two children 10 & 12 for next year. My company is paying for it and my first choice was the now completely closed American School. I want them to have a great education in English that will get them into a good university. I will be in Doha at the end of June but need to apply now. Any good solid recommendations. They will be year 5 & 7 so primary and secondary. You help, recommendations, links are most appreciated.
To get to Sherborne - head out past Education City. You come to the roundabout where the road from the horse track meets the Dukhan road. There a petrol station there. Go straight. You will see the Emir's place on the left and you take the first right that you come to. The school is down on the left. It is a new, local-looking school building.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Sherbone, Compass and International School of London might have some places..
I was told that Sherborne school is located in the vacinity of education city. Where i have no idea but somewhere there!
Good luck!
Any idea where Sherborne school is exactly? I heard it's next to new Japan School of Doha but not sure where that is. Websites say west Nasiriyah but can't find this on a map.
A candidate I recently met from the US visiting Education City liked Compass for her kids.
just forget about them. My children have been there for 3 months. In those months 90 % of teaching was watching TV. If they at least had seen programmes from National Geographic or other documentaries, but no!, they where shown movies. Even my preteen son complained that it is too boring, which is REALLY alarming.
Luckily they could start at ASD. If not ASD there is only Doha College as real alternative to a good, solid education. I can't really say anything good about the other schools. The new schools like London School aso. still have to run for a while to be judged.
I think you should go for ASD and just keep your fingers crossed. As deedee mentioned there are many families who keep there children enrolled, but don't know where they will be after summer. Me included!
I appreciate our insight. Especially the comment about Elite. I will indeed look into Sherbourne. They probably won't take 7th grade though. I will look there nevertheless.
Shaine: We will probably be living in West Bay somewhere from what I understand. It seems that in that sense we will be far from just about any school but we will manage. Thanks for the feedback.
I would try that new Sherborne School. Very professional website and a well established school in the UK. The staff were very nice when my husband went by there. Only real down side is it is pretty far out there. Past Educ. City, near the Emir's place.
Don't waste your time at that Elite school. I went by there. The brochure and the whole info packet were barely in English.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
We will be applying there. I appreciate the thumbs up. Did you by chance study there? :0)
Yes, they are kind of cute. That was about 4 years ago but I thought it would be appropriate as they are standing in front of a giant "disgusting" pig. They have been briefed! I'm really feeling better about the school situation. We aren't hell-bent on the ASD and I have had to calm my wife a bit in that sense. I appreciate the support. :0)
Your kids are just darling! And yes, it is stressful. But any decision you make about schools only has to be for one year at a time.
This is very useful. It is quite stressful this whole ordeal given I am not even in Doha yet. But everyone's help here to generate ideas has been wonderful. Thank you all.
There are other schools opening up this September.
Elite International School in Al Waab will be following the American cirriculum and are open for registration right now. Google them for directions, tel no etc as there is a web site.
There was another American system school opening up called Shady Side but i have not seen or heard when or where, was supposed to be this year as well.
Sherborne School is opening in Education City, they have just opened for registration. There was advertising in the newspaper today. This school will follow the British educational system. Tel: 586-7663
Compass school is opening their second branch in Al Rayyan. This school will be following the IPC (International Primary Cirriculum).
Good luck and i hope that this will be of some help to you.
Great Chrissy. Thank you. Do you have an opinion about Compass? My wife is American and the kids speak both languages perfectly so no problem there. Do you know if they will take Primary and Secondary students? I have one of each. Again, thank you
I note that you are Spanish and providing that your children speak fluent English there should be a very good chance of you obtaining places at the Compass International School - they are opening a new branch in Al Rayaan in Sept. You can apply online. It is very difficult to get into ASD but it greatly depends on who your employer is? Speak with your companies HR department and if your working for one of those 'top 5 companies' you need to stress this to the Admissions dept in ASD.
Good luck
Thanks DeeDee. The Cedar option gives me even more hope than the American School waiting list which hopefully will dwindle down as well. I will be patient and speak with Cedar as well as apply everywhere my wife thinks could be acceptable. I really appreciate your feedback.
just because they are closed now, does not mean they will be closed come Sept 1. I know dozens of families at the American School who are still waiting to hear from their companies whether they will be moving this summer or not. They enrolled their kids for next year just in case, but many will be cancelling their enrollments. Be sure to get your name on the waiting lists of many schools and be sure to add Cedars to that last as it can provide a temporary system until you do get into a school. Be hopeful and good luck!
Thank you for that. Not sure what to do actually but I will apply eveywhere I guess and hope for the best. Cheers. :0)
There is no place in most of the good schools...your kids will be in wait list.
If you search 'school' you can get many reviews here.
Check out the link... you will find many such threads about schools.